No AI generated intro song😔

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Should have clipped 53:10 for a teaser: “I was sexually turned on by snaring that daddy, you bet I was!”

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Thank god

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A lot to agree with there. But the complete absence of any mention of how blacks are the societal group that influence the most because of the acceptance of their behaviour no matter what.

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I thoroughly reject the notion that any personality disorder is "on a continuum".

NPD are not normal people with the "arrogance" turned up

BPD are not normal people with the jealousy and anger turned up

Sociopaths are not normal people with the "selfishness" or "meanness" turned up

You are or you aren't. It is completely binary. If you "think you might be a little bit [personality disorder]" you do not have a personality disorder. If you are aware you are a bit of a cunt and you became that way to survive you do not have a personality disorder.

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This is a silly way of looking at the world.

You literally believe in vampires.

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If you have real cluster Bs in your life you will eventually come to the same conclusion

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Josh has striven to alert the public to this burgeoning menace for several years. He knows whereof he speaks. Due to his harrowing upbringing, Josh saw what it was at first blush. He was one of the OG conversant-with-Cluster B Cassandras of Troy.

Bless his sassy and erudite cotton socks.

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Will finish this soon. An interesting concept nonetheless.

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I love it.

“Josh thinks most instances of homosexuality are the result of child abuse”

Riveted. Josh seems full of thinks.

These notions seem to arise every 15 or so years, “adult late-onset pseudoscience”, Substack seems to attract the condition, though it could be the tail end of the epidemic of instant scientific / medical / molecular biology experts that sprang up ex nihilio in early in 2020. It’s as though these subjects haven’t been systematically (and antagonistically) researched with in modern science for more than 70 years, yet found to be false and nonsensical.

Books still out on uterine environment - last born hypothesis is struggling.

What background does Dr Josh have in empirical science? This announcement has more notions than a Joanna shop back-to-school sale.

I do tend to align on a few things announced for Dr Josh - DSM classifications are not scientific, they’re essentially commercial, since after all they’re published by a medical trade association.

You left out all many all-star tropes - homosexuals are suicidal, they all hate themselves, they are their mother’s best friend, they are untrustworthy spies, communists (1940-1965 or so) they are all secret pedophiles, they worship demonic spirits, (1965-1975 or so) they all use drugs nonstop, they are all narcissistic, disease-ridden sex machines. (1975 - 1995) Really, the only vaguely positive notion he left out from “the Homosexual Matrix” (1975, Clarence Tripp) is the LOL observation that Homosexual men have larger cocks than straight men; thank goodness he missed out on the “Joy of Sex” (1972, Alex Comfort) that homosexual all live for receptive anal sex and are basically impotent unless penetrated.

A great laugh, thanks! Don’t forget the cock size next time!

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First off literally all those stereotypes are kind of true.

Social sciences are a joke methodologically and should not be taken seriously.

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GREAT discussion

“Parents over the last two generations have fucked up. Badly.”

Hear hear

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Good convo

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Enjoin' the dye-a-log here, lotta interestin' angles but I'm gonna throw in yet an'nuhter one--long in the tooth now, as an act-tress, "straight" but always at jagged odds with CONvention, from lit'rally 8th grade onward I surrounded myself with a kook-oon of gay thee-ate-'er buddies an' tho' literally ALL were Mama's boys--I'm gonn'a put out that they near-universally had the BEST Mama's evah! (which kinda makes yer situation all the sadder Josh). I'd say all the chewish ones (bein' a joo myself!) were -- imagine this-- like Nancy Walker (Rhoda's mama) but not frumpy--chic! Bloomies bargain hunters, well put 2gether. I loved these sweet, adorable, funny, always petite but in heels, well made up, an' happy ta share Haagen Dazs & an' ol' Bette Davis moovie with their adorable sons (suns! like son/sun worship). Whereas my mom wuz an unhip worrier, these ladies ADORED their boys & their fun friends--us goils an' the boyz too!

They were not abusive or mean at all! Good cooks, bright, lovers of "ahrt"--the one thing they shared? Well-ta-do DRIPS as husbands. OMG the dads ranged from grumpy ta distant ta downright SURLY. Some never came home "always at the office" so my friends' ma's liked nothin' better than ta dine with their kids an' their kids' friends--an' they were good company! Like dinin' with Joan Rivers!

They didn't intrude an' were not always present but just the niceset laydeez, well ta do, but sorely deprived of spousal company. Now my non-jooish gay pals had swell, nice mamas that were a little more demure, less bubby--more sweetly clever like June Cleaver than, say, Bette Midler (minus the vava voom...NONE of my gay friends' moms--jooish or not--had any ANY anything "sexualized" 'bout them--they liked ta SHOP an' THAT wuz the closest they wanted ta be ta "sex" lol). They were still so nice, so kind, so welcomin'. The only one that had spunk similar ta the chewish mamas was my Italian Catholic friend's veeery Italian Mama... like an Italian Estelle Getty.

But... but but, these boys too also had mama's with drippy husbands (ie. they had lackluster absent daddies too)--or at least "always at office ones." I will add that some've these pals had straight sibs--brothers too... but they were either the "babies" or the apples of their mama's eyes. I wuz kinda envious in a funny way--not've the funky / distant daddios (my ma divorced when I wuz 10 months old so I grew up with my adorable gran'parents an' their cranky siblings lol) but these magical mamas that could make a mean tuna noodle casserole an' show off their chacha moves when we put on (sorry this'll date me) Copacabana! I have the BEST mem'ries of these darlin' boys an' their adorable mamas... so different from yer description...

SADLY too many got eaten by AZT & years of "overwild" promiscuous behavior--multiple pod'ners an' bad habits, Larry Kramer wuz wrong 'bout AZT (toxic ain't the woid) but right about the "habItz"... One dear dear pal (who...funny...became both a republican AND a Betty Crocker baker in the 90's, long 'fore it wuz trendy...) got too tihred of bein' a skinny 90lb weakling, started pumpin' iron & takin' steroids ta look more butch an' promptly got cancer & died of it. A few "got married," some became famous (sssssh) an' sadly went all woke an' ultimately became insufferable... This I cannot 'splain...

All this ta say that most, in my own 'xperience, had the BEST of mamas an' the lousiest of fathers (who were only there fer their sons as bread winners...). I think, waxin' freudian, they went lookin' fer love from other fella's who'd give 'em the attention daddy-o didn't...

fwiw none were abused, all were INDULGED! By contrast, every goldang trannie I've known was abused (in their early yearz) an' had substance abuse problems themselfs an' were total selfish a-holes with attytude an' all lacked the gen-u-ine talents of my regular gay friends...

fwiw none of the above applied ta the gay female pals I've had over the years--a smaller samplin' I'd say--but' I cain't catty-gore-ize 'em like I could nearly every mary that I held dear. They were not the types ta sing Evita selections all night like me an' the fellas so that's fer an'nother observer entirely...

chimin' in as I cain't "blame" those mamas fer their talented, bright, sweet boys bein' gay (which I never judged as good/bad/er indifferent)-- on the contrary... I think it's the lackluster (at best) absent fathers that made the mamas SO more appealin'! (grew up in the 70's & 80's--ancient times! mah mah things 've changed...) an' made those boys wanna be more like their mamas an' seek out the unrequited "love"(affection?) of their drippy daddies

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ps lol, didn't realize that I'm stoppin' by the stack've a (former?) white nationalist... whut funny "bedfellows" substack'll make (arrived here via Josh's stack which is awesome ;-)

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