On today’s episode of Walt Right Perspectives I speak with the fascinating
, who runs a weekly podcast called Disaffected (give him a follow on Youtube and Rumble) and publishes the here on Substack.Josh, who describes himself as a “former leftist, now living in reality,” is a conservative gay dude who uses his platform to educate people about Cluster B personality disorders so they can better protect themselves and their loved ones.
This was a hilarious and insightful conversation all of you are sure to enjoy. Josh approaches the epistemics of mental illness from an angle very different to my own, but was able to explain his worldview to me in a way that felt internally consistent and reasonable. We also touch on contemporary gay issues, the thorny question of female agency, and the decline of heterosexual courtship norms into highly faggy behavior.
Topics include:
Josh’s thesis that the Cluster B personality disorders often associated with domestic abuse have significantly increased in prevalence in American society
Why Josh sees personality disorders as a moral / philosophical problem instead of as a medical problem—they used to be called “character disorders”
Epistemic issues with the DSM—homosexuality was once seen as a mental illness, but was redefined for entirely political reasons
How does one define a “personality disorder” versus a benign character trait?
The difference between personality disorders and other mental illnesses
Is there such a thing as an “inherently bad person?”
Walt defends the personality disordered (see also Narcissism is Good and
’s In Defense of the Borderline)Is there a difference between lying and gaslighting? Is a perception of gaslighting inevitable given a substantial gap in verbal IQ or rhetorical ability?
Why Josh would diagnose his much younger self with BPD
Josh describes his traumatic childhood with a heavily NPD and BPD mother
How Josh became a traditionalist and conservative after determining that Leftism lends itself to cloaking wickedness in moral virtue and victimhood
Having a flexible / complex relationship with your identity (highly associated with Cluster B disorders) can make someone more magnetic and charming
Walt argues that good and evil are more parallel than oppositional and defends the virtue of artful manipulation
Josh argues that the four Cluster B disorders aren’t discrete categories but that most people draw from all four
Walt ask Josh for his take on Sam Vaknin, a self-confessed narcissist
The common tendency to parse hyperverbal autism as narcissism
Women and gays both find narcissism attractive, which creates an incentive for dominant men to overtly mask as narcissist as a sexual strategy
Infantilizing age gap discourse surrounding adults makes it easier for actual pedos to get away with genuine child abuse
Everyone speaks with a more childlike affect these days compared to in the 90s
Gen Z girls genuinely seem to have less sexual agency due to early puberty, lax parenting standards, a lifestyle of promiscuity, etc.
Why Josh is against gay adoption and surrogacy
Straight guys don’t see women as moral agents and women don’t act as such
Do twinks have the same issues with compromised agency?
Josh argues that modern straight men are starting to sexually act like gays
Walt refers to
’s article Gay men are trans women.Why Josh thinks most instances of homosexuality are the result of child abuse
Genetic vs. epigenetics vs. environment as the cause of homosexuality
Lots of gays have a Cluster B mother or absent father
Why do so many gay dudes sort of worship their mom?
Could homosexuality be caused by hormonal stress in utero?
At what age does someone develop real agency?
A suppressed gender polarity gets sublimated into extreme fetishism
Why Walt often wishes he were gay because of greater male trait variance
When a bitchy twink tries to weaponize vulnerability there’s less of an avenue to weaponize vulnerability than when a woman does the same thing
Will gay guys start to break off from the acronym coalition?
Josh explains why there’s no such thing as trans
Thai ladyboys etc. aren’t the same thing as modern trannies
Walt supports gay guys because they reduce competition for womyn
Lesbianism and male homosexuality are ontologically distinct in a deep way because of the highly plastic nature of female sexuality
Josh hypothesizes lesbianism is rooted in a trauma response toward men
Tinder caused the incel rate to effectively double to a highly dysfunctional rate
Virtually all men lie about their height on dating apps
Performative Fuckboyism—even women who want a serious relationship will punish men on dating apps who say they want a serious relationship
No straight man wants to advocate for lower status men because it risks giving him a low status “incel stink”
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