Never even heard of this guy but am going to be drunk to listen to this all the way through. There is no ‘solution’ to the JQ as long as Jews and Goys perceive they have different interests. Jews and Irish similarities? Other than the gift of gab and high verbal intelligence, not too much.
What do you perceive as Jewish and Goyim interests? In the case of Zionist Jews they already have Israel as their homeland, it may be in their interests to leech money off of goy countries but they will ultimately have to support themselves once other people get tired of ZOG. As far as Jews outside of Israel go they have a responsibility to either assimilate to whatever culture they are living in or move to Israel, those 2 things together are a simple solution to the JQ. Of course this would make many Jews unhappy because they expect to be held to different standards than other people but they would have to adjust.
It's interesting that Irish are described as not caring about the law, Jews are letter-of-the-law, and Germans are spirit-of-the-law. Stoddard said English are also spirit-of-the-law, but French are letter-of-the-law.
So on those with racial admixture going on, Chris Hood who ran (or runs) NSC131 was partially East Asian, but I believe to a quarter-level so not technically a "hapa". Among WLM and Active Clubs, of which there are many, there have been several cases of either leadership or active participants who were racially ambiguous or confirmed had admixture cases going on. If someone considers Proud Boys or that realm of Civic Nationalists to count (Most self-attesting WN's don't consider them that, but the MSM often conflates them all together), then there are many more cases of mixed-race leaders among them still.
Lots of these cases are on the little-group scale rather than the bigger-names most observers would be aware of. There are tons of chapters and projects popping up and collapsing each year, which is where you generally find these odd cases. But when it is discovered it tends to create a fair amount of kerfuffle and hubbub that generally results in the ousting of the characters in question for obvious reasons.
The main point I was putting forward was "manic energy" that generally possesses many of the leaders of these kinds of groups is something that can also result from racial admixture, and might explain why you get these weird cases of White Nationalist activists who are themselves are not exactly "White" themselves. It's just a pet hypothesis of mine to take with a grain of salt though, and my use of the term hapa is a humorous exaggeration of the idea of Asian admixture in particular.
There was even a case of an Atomwaffen chapter that elected a female-to-male transsexual to lead them apparently. That was a little silly of them by most standards!
Not surprised. Mussolini himself discussed a century ago that few Nordicists are blond Anglos/Germans/Scandinavians.
Don't forget those streamers, such as GypsyCrusader (being Mexican and Romani) and GDL (claiming Mexican ancestry).
Adding to that, many Afrikaners aren't 100% NW European, but are very in it's admixture. Surprisingly, a lot of (South)east Asian and Indian admixture, more than Bantu or Khoisan(!!!) admixture.
I know someone who ran a Roblox NWTI group that was gay, LOL. And remember, CatBoyKami himself is not straight.
I don't know about the hapas (Norm mentioned that) but I knew multiple leaders of large internet communities in 2015-2016 who were mischlings, including my best friend at the time.
The only ‘mischling’ that may come to mind was this Hollywood neo-Nazi guy that called himself Wolfgang Davis Hawk and mounted a demo in D.C. with Brownshirt uniforms and armbands. This must’ve been in the late oughts or early teens of this century. Later on it was revealed he was from a Jewish background.
yeah idk about IRL stuff as much I am thinking about the alt right communities I was personally a part of and a lot of guys got outed as mischlings and sometimes ostracized
Phil Collins also comes to mind as well, running the NS movement in the 70s. Veronica Clark herself discussed having traces of Ashkenazi and Mongol ancestry.
Not really as they are ephemeral with little influence over the long run. I followed the Alt Right in the 2010s but never heard of you until last year. But then again, was never into gaming or 4chan type online subcultures. People seem to crop up and then disappear and everything keeps changing.
Chat groups and social media platforms can be important and influential on many levels but are no substitute for community in the real world, which is something unfortunately most white nationalists lack.
How do you think the Elite communicate? Post-it notes?
There are GCs that have members with a collective net worth of a trillion dollars. GCs with people who have access to capital markets, NGOs, and the nuclear launch codes.
GCs which right wing "independent" pundits use to coordinate news cycles (usually organized in cliques). These groups also sell their tweets / videos / takes for cash.
A determined actor, could coordinate to use all of this to actually change law. Or create pressure on politicians. As you guys are protesting / bitching / complaining, they are manufacturing news cycles, and passing policy proposals.
White nationalists are a cog in this machine. You have no say. You have no power. You are a big stick they use (when it is convenient) to defeat their dialectical enemies.
This was a terrific discussion and one that firmly establishes you as an honorary mischling!
Never even heard of this guy but am going to be drunk to listen to this all the way through. There is no ‘solution’ to the JQ as long as Jews and Goys perceive they have different interests. Jews and Irish similarities? Other than the gift of gab and high verbal intelligence, not too much.
My solution isn't about removing the source of conflict; it's about leveraging the conflict to prosocial ends.
>Other than the gift of gab and high verbal intelligence
I'd say this is each group's most important trait!
Anyway will be curious to hear your thoughts.
What do you perceive as Jewish and Goyim interests? In the case of Zionist Jews they already have Israel as their homeland, it may be in their interests to leech money off of goy countries but they will ultimately have to support themselves once other people get tired of ZOG. As far as Jews outside of Israel go they have a responsibility to either assimilate to whatever culture they are living in or move to Israel, those 2 things together are a simple solution to the JQ. Of course this would make many Jews unhappy because they expect to be held to different standards than other people but they would have to adjust.
I approve this message. Thus saith the Lord.
It's interesting that Irish are described as not caring about the law, Jews are letter-of-the-law, and Germans are spirit-of-the-law. Stoddard said English are also spirit-of-the-law, but French are letter-of-the-law.
It's actually a black grandmother and it's called The Redemption of Ham (but in Portuguese)
What ‘white nationalist leaders’ historically or contemporary are ‘happas’ or mischlings?
So on those with racial admixture going on, Chris Hood who ran (or runs) NSC131 was partially East Asian, but I believe to a quarter-level so not technically a "hapa". Among WLM and Active Clubs, of which there are many, there have been several cases of either leadership or active participants who were racially ambiguous or confirmed had admixture cases going on. If someone considers Proud Boys or that realm of Civic Nationalists to count (Most self-attesting WN's don't consider them that, but the MSM often conflates them all together), then there are many more cases of mixed-race leaders among them still.
Lots of these cases are on the little-group scale rather than the bigger-names most observers would be aware of. There are tons of chapters and projects popping up and collapsing each year, which is where you generally find these odd cases. But when it is discovered it tends to create a fair amount of kerfuffle and hubbub that generally results in the ousting of the characters in question for obvious reasons.
The main point I was putting forward was "manic energy" that generally possesses many of the leaders of these kinds of groups is something that can also result from racial admixture, and might explain why you get these weird cases of White Nationalist activists who are themselves are not exactly "White" themselves. It's just a pet hypothesis of mine to take with a grain of salt though, and my use of the term hapa is a humorous exaggeration of the idea of Asian admixture in particular.
There was even a case of an Atomwaffen chapter that elected a female-to-male transsexual to lead them apparently. That was a little silly of them by most standards!
I've met Chris Hood in person; his admixture wasn't discernable to me.
Not surprised. Mussolini himself discussed a century ago that few Nordicists are blond Anglos/Germans/Scandinavians.
Don't forget those streamers, such as GypsyCrusader (being Mexican and Romani) and GDL (claiming Mexican ancestry).
Adding to that, many Afrikaners aren't 100% NW European, but are very in it's admixture. Surprisingly, a lot of (South)east Asian and Indian admixture, more than Bantu or Khoisan(!!!) admixture.
I know someone who ran a Roblox NWTI group that was gay, LOL. And remember, CatBoyKami himself is not straight.
I don't know about the hapas (Norm mentioned that) but I knew multiple leaders of large internet communities in 2015-2016 who were mischlings, including my best friend at the time.
The only ‘mischling’ that may come to mind was this Hollywood neo-Nazi guy that called himself Wolfgang Davis Hawk and mounted a demo in D.C. with Brownshirt uniforms and armbands. This must’ve been in the late oughts or early teens of this century. Later on it was revealed he was from a Jewish background.
yeah idk about IRL stuff as much I am thinking about the alt right communities I was personally a part of and a lot of guys got outed as mischlings and sometimes ostracized
Phil Collins also comes to mind as well, running the NS movement in the 70s. Veronica Clark herself discussed having traces of Ashkenazi and Mongol ancestry.
Jews are widely over-represented in the leadership. At-least 20% from the alt-right days.
Closer to half on twitter post-BAP.
Its not just jews, also homosexuals, transexuals, mullattos, Indians, Asians etc. "White nationalism" is more diverse than London ~2025.
Maybe if we’re talking about internet chat groups.
those are much more important than anything IRL
Not really as they are ephemeral with little influence over the long run. I followed the Alt Right in the 2010s but never heard of you until last year. But then again, was never into gaming or 4chan type online subcultures. People seem to crop up and then disappear and everything keeps changing.
nah the shit we did online permanently shaped discourse norms until the retard rallies ruined everything
Chat groups and social media platforms can be important and influential on many levels but are no substitute for community in the real world, which is something unfortunately most white nationalists lack.
How do you think the Elite communicate? Post-it notes?
There are GCs that have members with a collective net worth of a trillion dollars. GCs with people who have access to capital markets, NGOs, and the nuclear launch codes.
GCs which right wing "independent" pundits use to coordinate news cycles (usually organized in cliques). These groups also sell their tweets / videos / takes for cash.
A determined actor, could coordinate to use all of this to actually change law. Or create pressure on politicians. As you guys are protesting / bitching / complaining, they are manufacturing news cycles, and passing policy proposals.
Look at the grooming gang thing. That was entirely manufactured by Elon Musk. There are other examples from lower level people that have had similar effects (Ackmans GC / Twitter subterfuge that led to the end of Student protests in NY; ).
White nationalists are a cog in this machine. You have no say. You have no power. You are a big stick they use (when it is convenient) to defeat their dialectical enemies.
BAP: *Bane voice* Do you feel in charge?
the key is leveraging their occasional use for you as thoroughly as humanly possible to end up ahead of the vast majority of peopl
‘Elites’ meet in person at conferences around the world as well socialize frequently in the real world not in internet chat groups.