
"In 2015 I was worried that any future children I had would live in a world where their material living standards would suffer strictly for being White. In 2024 I no longer worry about this due to the decline of affirmative action and rapid destigmatization of white identity politics."

- A person who came out of the wokeness of the early 90s only to soon see:

Late night tv savagely mocking it,

Jared Taylor events being covered on C-Span,

The Bell Curve getting a fair airing in the mainstream press,

Biden confessing that 60s libs were soft on crime and insisting that all major parties now agreed that many criminals were irredeemable and needed to be locked up permanently

.., - would've had every reason to feel the same way.

But the anti-woke shift of the 90s wasn't actually sustainable because it was based on nothing solid. It was merely a temporary backlash to a movement that had bitten far more than it could digest and had to lay down in the corner for a moment while it processed it all, and while it's strongest opponents died off. And then by the 2010s it was back with a furious vengeance, and we all know what happened then.

Is there any reason to believe that the new more racially aware right can seriously stop this cycle from repeating? Is there any indication in general that white millennials, or even white zoomers will not continue to be at best 2017 liberals, with no immune defenses to whatever the hell the new cause is in the 2030s? And if not, how do you possibly justify this claim about what the future will look like for your children?

Also, I love your work Walt!

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This is a very good point, and I certainly think we need to remain vigilant against a resurgence of antiwhite sentiment. I am actually going to publish a lot about how to get our arms around this in the long term, so stay tuned.

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To be fair, the death of cancel culture on the right is a pretty big difference. If you are in a Con-inc bubble, or certain DR aligned tech groups - u probably are safe now . I’m just not sure this will mean much for anyone else given the near total absence of GOP partisans in the top ranks of corporate America. I can see the party wielding its force to protect people fired for trans blasphemy. But I don’t think it’ll do so for race realists. Or that it even has the human capital necessary to pull it off.

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“Avowed White Nationalist Leaves the Movement after Realizing He Doesn’t Like White People.” The Onion article almost writes itself haha.

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>"This is all huge. From what I can tell, Soft WN has almost entirely fallen within the realm of acceptable discourse in the world of mainstream conservatism. It’s become incredibly normal for White people to simply air their grievances and stand up for themselves. This was always my main objective as a WN, far beyond any particular object-level policy goals."

>"I was only ever in it for my personal material discomfort at being discriminated against as a white person, I don't actually give a damn if my continental ancestry group still exists in 1000 years"

The fuck's the matter with you?

I can understand if you're a mestizo groyper who just wants to do what's right and to live in a generically-good society, but if you're a white man of competence, you have a duty to do what you can ensure the long-term survival of your heritage.

Of children born to at least one white parent, only 80% are racially pure:


That's white extinction (90% population reduction) in 10 generations .8 ^ 10 = 0.1073741824. If nothing happens to stop this it was all pointless and you might as well just be a passport bro in Thailand.

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I mean all traits remix quite fast. And it's impossible to predict that far away in time anyway. If the traits are good enough they will survive and multiply on its own if each carrier chooses the action maximizing individual payoff. And also if CRISPR revolution happens this is all moot on the genetic level and civic > ethnic approach wins.

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Yes, Jewish rule over a brown, anti-White world will surely allow enough Whites access to things like CRISPR to bring back the master race. Wtf kind of weird cope attempt is this? We're going extinct just like the Neanderthal. Some of our genes may go on or even become selected for in future millennia, but we will be gone forever as a race.

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WTF is white? Northern European? Are Sardinians white? Greeks? Cypriots? Lebanese Maronites? Ashkenazi Jews? Sephardi and Mizrahi Jews? Persian Muslims? Russians? How much Tatar mixture does a Russian need to have to not be white?

Can you tell me what the white race is? The steppe people? The farmers?

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It's not that hard. Europeans are white.

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You're denying the existence of the White race? You must think Neanderthal never went extinct since we have some of their DNA. Can you tell me what level of retard you are? Fetal alcohol syndrome? Drooling?

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Polygenic embryo selection can already add 5+ points of IQ in expectation. It’s a lot and more than enough to totally swamp any sort of IQ-lowering effects from immigration. Anyone who is an IQ realist needs to strongly support this tech and prioritize it above demographic considerations.

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The average IQ of the populations swamping our nations is in the 80s. On your own measure you're wrong. Literally nobody believes IQ is the only thing that matters to a nation other than drooling retards like you who larp a high IQ online. If all you care about is IQ just move to Japan and have your high IQ ethnostate.

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Hispanics have an IQ well above 90. America isn’t being swamped by people with an IQ below 90.

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How much Native American admixture can someone have and still be white? How much black admixture? How much Ashkenazi admixture?

Anyway we better all have merged with the AI within a millennium. Trans humanism.

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How short sighted and badly reasoned does an argument need to be to make the bearer of the argument a retard?

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So much delusion you didn't even understand what you were doing.

You move to the all white place precisely to forget about the war of the world outside of it. White people together have very little to worry about when left alone.

Your issue is that you weren't seeking a white utopia. You were seeking the struggle and suffering of war and conquering. You skipped that part and went straight to the post-war peace, which is why you didnt appreciate it. You didn't move there within the correct mentality.

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This is actually a very good take.

But at the end of the day I am too far low in agreeableness and conscientiousness and far too high in neuroticism and openness to ever be a good citizen of Whiteopia. I was always going to be miserable there. I am made for an unstable ecology with lots of conflict and without this will become lazy or demoralized or degenerate.

Given this does it make sense for me to support Whiteopia even existing? Neoliberalism is honestly probably the best system for my temperament.

This is the struggle I've been dealing with and what led me to an offshoot of Hanania thought as the best compromise.

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>This is the struggle I've been dealing with and what led me to an offshoot of Hanania thought as the best compromise.

Good lord you are truly lost.

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But at least I am searching!

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Look, I agree with much of your article. I find White Nationalists to be repulsive, mostly because of how utterly stupid most of them are. I see no meaningful difference between a White Nationalist screaming about the elders of zion and a Black Hebrew Israelite yelling "DAS RITE!" on a street corner. Both are worthy of contempt and mockery.

That said, just because I see no difference between them, does NOT mean the state does. If I put on a kippah and walked in front of both groups, one group could assault me and expect only a slap on the wrist from the state, whereas if the other group so much as looked at me the wrong way it would make the news and they could expect official push back. In this type of environment it is extraordinarily unwise to reject some type of quiet racial advocacy, which is essentially what Trumpism is the embodiment of.

I also think your prediction that woke politics is at it's end point is naive. Even assuming a 2nd Trump term, without further victories by the Right it is unlikely the long term effects of 60 years of mass immigration and race based politics will be fixed. In every election I can remember Republicans have done Black and Hispanic outreach, and they were rewarded for it by getting less than 30% of the minority vote(except Hispanics with G.W. Bush who was essentially open borders). This remains a stupefying mystery to Republican strategist, but it obvious to everyone else. The Democrats promise money and power to minority elites, and in return those elites get their groups to vote Democrat and win elections. This pattern doesn't change just because you see commonalities between yourself and a random American Black. Hell if you can still see much of the Rhinelander in the whites of the midwest, who have been here for 150+ years, how long do you think it will take for the Mayan speaking Guatemalan who jumped the border this year to become generically American?

I'm also very confused about your complaints with Midwesterner's lack of "Faustian spirit" but you embrace Hanania, Yglesias, and Silver? Hanania at least is honest about his bug-manness but I struggle to think of a group of men that have less spirit than that grouping. It seems to me you'd be better off reading Ayn Rand and just going full Objectivist if your goal is ultra individualism.

This is a much longer comment than I intended and I'm sure I missed some stuff. I appreciate that you can see white hotepism is a dead end, but so is 'end of history' 'last man' 'alt-centrist' Hanania-ism. You need those contented hobbit-like white midwesterners in order to win, and giving them better managers ain't it.

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The issue with white nationalists is that many people like this person end up there. They see the systemic narratives about is as a threat, and end up believing that it posses the threat to the system. It does not.

Another issue is, well, he lays it out himself: “It’s become incredibly normal for white people to simply air their grievances and stand up for themselves. This was always my main objective as a WN.”

Aka, what he wants (and many other self-identified WNs do as well) is merely to copy victimary politics of the left. “We, too, are victims, you see. We want IDPol, too.” Etc.

His take on woke highlights another issue, which is ignorance (it is what it is, sorry). “Woke” isn’t going away, and in itself its merely a modern form of what’s been ongoing for over half a century, likely longer. It’s actually good he mentions Spencer, because Spencer - like I assume this person - is a liberal, who’s dissatisfied with liberals, and thinks being edgy makes him far-right. But even as he expands - E.G., taking issue with multipolarity- this in itself highlights he’s anything but far-right. I’ve long held that international conflict is far more revealing than any domestic larping, and people who side w/ US/”west” in conflicts demonstrate they align with the system to begin with.

Another reason, which he himself highlights, why WN are the way they are, is because of ignorance; he didn’t understand that an average person just wants to live their life, rather than “aspire for greatness,” whatever that larping may amount to. And that’s nothing wrong with it - it’s what people are.

This is also good: “To me moving all the time is just something that normal responsible middle class people do to achieve prosperity, but in many parts of the agricultural Midwest there appears to be something of a stigma to it. In my opinion this is a loser mentality.” It highlights everything I’ve said previously, it’s libs, after all, who long for not being anchored in any way to begin with, hell the very notion of individualism amounts to it - and they’ve done everything in their power to essentially destroy entire communities through internal immigration (and foreign immigration, for that matter).

And this goes on and on - let’s not even talk about his take on history (“immigrants,” lol as if half of colonizers weren’t forcibly sent over, and many more did so simply so they could live, jfc) - all of it highlights that he isn’t, has not been, and was never right-wing in the very sense of the word; mentally, spiritually, inherently. He took on a role & played it - a larp - and eventually, he realized he didn’t find it fulfilling, that actuality of existence of what he was larping as was different, that fiction he bought into was just that, which in turn led him to realize who he really was. He even complains about lack of “individualism” among whites, as if that’s a bad thing. Rootless liberal if I’ve ever seen one.

With all of that said, this isn’t really meant as a diss or an attack or anything, I like the article in fact as it echoes everything I’ve believed about larpers like him in the first place, and for that I appreciate it. But certainly, I do believe most of what he does stand for should be crushed.

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Apr 2·edited Apr 2

It would make you a better political commentator if you could think about what's good for society at large, instead of limiting yourself to what society would best suit your temperament.

It seems to me that you are just advocating for a liberal global order and faulting the virtues of the common person. You are disagreeable and don't believe in equality, so that sets you apart from a feminized left, but best I can tell you are a right-liberal (a global-minded, cosmopolitan libertarian). You are treating people, place, tradition, and virtue like it is nothing, but these are the things that matter most to the common man.

We need a new class of aristocratic elites to take over and structure society in such a way that the commoners can flourish. Decentralized, placeless, rootless, traditionless social orders only benefit the improper preferences of liberal elites and in the end are good for no one.

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I'm sorry but this is just a LARP. You are not ever, in any meaningful sense, in any 'unstable ecology'. America is - by world standards, at the very least - one of the safest places on Earth. We are one of the wealthiest nations with extremely high living standards. You have no 'daily struggle' because there is never any actual risk attached. Even in shitlib strongholds like LA/NYC there really isn't 'conflict' if you are just living your daily life (this includes political actors as well). Frankly a forum like Substack is the closest thing you will get to 'unstable ecology' and 'conflict' in a way that directly interfaces with your survival (ability to make money). But even then, all the comments in the world shitting on you doesn't take away anything. I'm struggling to see how you're not fit for e.g. Gaza if you want something unstable.

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I get this at a pretty deep level.

Like moths to the flame. My brother is the same.

But you're our moth. And I think that is where you are meant to be. At least at this point. I have been around enough artists to know what I am saying. You are pointing out something of incredible potency.

You will never have a place you don't struggle for if you care about your work. You will never fit in ordinaryville. Atleast not until you have taken what God has given.

I have been thinking about Sampson the strong in the Bible. This man was a pussy destroying bloodthirsty psychopath. But he also delivered the jews from bondage. Although he lead a brutal regime. It showed the flaws of men, but also how God answers his promise even through these men.

Beggars simply cannot be choosers. I will gladly smoke cigars and ride with Sampson. Far less someone more tame.

That being said david conquered his way to the top. And he did so with God all the way. Gods sword is better than yours, ask to borrow and he will lend.

The story of Christian faith is one of plundering. God taking wholesale the kingdom of satan, leaving him with nothing.

As an aside, something an exorcist said in a podcast. "God goes out of his way to humiliate the demons."

Thanks for writing this piece. You've given me a lot of courage and a practical means to own my past. And a lot lot more to think about.

God bless you

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>Because of the efforts of young men like me, the system basically reformed enough to “buy me off” and assuage my concerns.

The most the alt right did was distract the Jewish ruling class for a few years in order to suppress it domestically. Ultimately the same system of Jewish supremacy that was in place in 2016 is still firmly in place in 2024. The only difference is that this system is now under threat abroad in the wake of Russia's invasion of Ukraine and especially October 7th and has now started to dole out temporary concessions to White people to get us reinvested in the American empire to prop it up. If anything White people should refuse to take the bait and continue to allow the American empire to flounder so that the Jewish ruling class is forced to maintain and grant even more concessions to us, because they will 100% take all these concessions away the moment they no longer feel that Israel and the American empire are under threat.

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Whatever this Jewish ruling class is, it doesn’t seem to rule US universities. Or the Democratic Party and the current administration.

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Those are currently some of the most Jewish institutions in America.

6 out of the 8 current Ivy League University Presidents are Jewish. In fact Black Harvard University President Claudine Gay was just ousted a few months ago for not doing enough to suppress pro-Palestine activism on campus so she was replaced by Alan Garber, who is Jewish.

The Biden Cabinet is also the most Jewish in US history with almost every important position held by a Jew. From Antony Blinken as Secretary of State, to Janet Yellen as Treasury Secretary, to Merrick Garland as Attorney General, to Alejandro Mayorkas as DHS Secretary, to Avril Haines as Director of National Intelligence, to Jeff Zients as Chief of Staff.

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Many of them don't seem to have much attachment to Israel or anything particularly Jewish. Woke DEI stuff is bad for Jews. Gay was ousted for being an ultra-woke DEI activist and a free speech hypocrite.

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That's not true all of them openly identify as Jewish. And if Gay was ousted for "being an ultra-woke DEI activist and a free speech hypocrite" than why was she only ousted after October 7th? She was all those things before hand. The only difference now is pro-Palestine activism has been activated on Harvard's campus in the wake of October 7th and she wasn't willing to suppress it as hard as Harvard's Jewish donors such as Bill Ackman, Len Blavatnik, Les Wexner wanted her too.

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Blinken is married to a Catholic and is currently telling Israel they can’t defeat Hamas and have to let the pro-Hamas Qatar run a port there.

Gay was ousted because 10/7 was the catalyst but the pressure was building before that. Ackman tweeted in defense of Rittenhouse before that. Harvard allows huge chants of “from the water to the water Palestine will be Arab” but will punish you if you say anything about black people who are the most likely to be antisemitic and pro-Hamas among all racial groups in the US. A philosemite like Charles Murray couldn’t speak at Harvard.

Ken Griffin and plenty of other gentile elites stood in solidarity with Israel post-10/7.

Jews are overrepresented among elites because high IQ and high personality factor, sure. But Jewish interests don’t run major institutions and the Jews hardly represent a unified front. Ackman was arguing with the Jewish board member Penny Pritzker. If there’s any group that can be said of, it’s women (Penny Pritzker, Claudine Gay, Liz Magill, etc). Remember women’s tears from Richard? Women, as well as black and LGBT and other preferred groups.

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Are you Jewish?

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Identification does not imply attachment.

Anyway I wish the Jewish billionaires had as much power as you describe, if they did we’d have a very free market economy and no DEI.

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Also Harvard administrators tweeted their support of Hamas and gave food to anti Israel protesters breaking university policies.

Many of these universities are literally failing to enforce their own rules. These protests weren’t just “activated”. Institutions like Harvard have endorsed and cultivated antisemitic and anti-Zionist attitudes for years!

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Let me also add that 10/7 was a uniquely horrific event. Wokes endorsed awful things like BLM riots but straight up murdering 1000 people in a genocidal terrorist attack with rape and mutilations and beheadings is a new low even for them. I would have to imagine that if a European white gentile ally of the US which was a democracy with a 16% Muslim minority who can vote was attacked like this by an Islamist terrorist organization next door, then people would have not let it slip either. Ackman expressed solidarity with Rittenhouse, remember? And Griffin expressed solidarity with Israel.

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The dignity and material well-being of White people has been getting worse and worse, and if you really have a comfy six figure email job you are well aware of the fact that you will lose your livelihood if you dare speak against your company-mandated diversity events and requirements. Whites are systematically being cut out of the labor market, government programs, etc. Whites will be a minority in a few years now at current trends (if you don't include illegals) and then there's no chance of turning anything around because disappointments like you decided to prioritize greed and degeneracy over our existence. What a shame.

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Apr 17Liked by Walt Bismarck

"It turns out that a cultural ecology where most quality women get married early on in life—either in college or immediately thereafter—is really bad for the dating prospects of a 25 year old man. In practice a society that encourages late marriage is actually much better for more bookish eccentric guys, who tend to be late bloomers in developing their masculinity and ability to seduce women.

Ironically enough, if you are the sort of extremely online neurotic weirdo intellectual who gravitates to “trad” ideology as a young man, you probably aren’t temperamentally suited to dating normie conservative church girls who organically live that way. They much prefer unreflective stoic chudbots with rough hands and smooth brains; to these women any kind of emotional expression is coded as womanly. After you date around for a few years you’ll quickly discover that you are a lot more attractive to the bohemian art hoe daughters of the coastal elite.

Of course this revelation won’t come easy to an inexperienced young buck who’s only been with a handful of women. That hipster chick’s tattoos or stripper past or body count of 17 will likely intimidate you. But once you’re nearing 30 and have come into your own as a man, the same girl will seem an ingenue compared to your own triple digit past, while the churchy trad girls you once idealized as innocent little angels will instead seem like frigid judgmental viragoes who could never understand you."

It's not just that. The churchy tradgirls have a *very* bougie conception of what they want from a spouse and what they want from life, and weirdos of any stripe don't fit that conception.

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n.b. Not now, never been a WN, hard, soft or otherwise. Cats have no time for that. But I'll read and engage with almost anything.

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Richard Hanania fully embraced "invade the world, invite the world" and now he's your hero?

There is a certain class of alt-righter for whom the entire thing boils down to "I'm an outsider and I want to be an insider". I suspect this was very inherent to the core of Richard's personality and he's not alone.

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I don’t think Hanania supports invading the world. He’s become Reagan and Trumpist in his foreign policy, not a Bush neocon. People forget this but 21st century neoconservatism isn’t actually the foreign policy tradition of the American right. Reagan didn’t send tons of American troops to die in a pointless war. LBJ is the one who entered Vietnam. Nixon withdrew!

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Hanania hasn't embraced old school GOP foreign policy. Hanania's whole argument for American support in the Russo-Ukrainian War is to uphold the international norms of no conquest and no annexation. That's liberal interventionism. Nixon, Reagan, and Trump all rejected international law in practice while sometimes using it rhetorically to justify a rationally self-interested policy. Nixon withdrew ground forces from Vietnam while simultaneously escalating bombing and expanding operations into Cambodia and Laos in defiance of international condemnation to find Hanoi's breaking point. The Democrats then blocked fund to the RVN, which led it to become materially exhausted and get conquered. Reagan unilaterally invaded Grenada despite UN disapproval and later Panama. Trump recognized Israeli sovereignty over territory it seized in a preemptive war. None of their foreign policies reflected a concern with Hanania's international norms and instead focused on rational self-interest at the expense of such norms.

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Hanania’s opinions the last two years are right there on twitter and substack to read on the matter, I think it’s a reasonable summation of them.

Yes, he doesn’t want to invade another middle eastern country, but other then that he’s gone full neocon.

The most relevant foreign policy question of the last few years is Ukraine, were hanania did a total flip flop on his stance a month into the war and became a raging warhawk. I suspect after* Ukraine losses he will flip flop again, you can already see him trying to find a way out (like all the other rats on the sinking ship, they understand the usefulness of these suckers is at an end and they are to be discarded).

It’s all rather shameless that he’s obviously chasing whatever he thinks the current thing establishment view is to try and launder his past, not caring if it’s true or if it’s going to make the world any better. Given that he has such a long foriegn policy background it’s especially shameful.

Neocons are not “on the right”. They are establishment hacks that mostly came over from the left. For awhile they had influence with the bush family, but the bush family has been voting dem since 2016.

*obviously Ukraine has already lost simply by the war happening, but I mean when something happens that is publicly embarassing like an internal coup or big battlefield loss

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I don’t think he has a strong feeling about Russia and Ukraine and that he thinks both suck. He enjoys trolling there too. Same with immigration. He is definitely pro-Israel, like everyone on the American right who doesn’t have an axe to grind against Jews. I also don’t think any of this is a conscious attempt to try to make up for his past.

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"I don’t think he has a strong feeling about Russia and Ukraine"

That's not what he writes though, and the proper view if you think both suck is to not get involved.

"He enjoys trolling there too."

You might call it his main personality trait.

Anyway, trolling creates engagement which means revenue, so it ain't going to stop.

"I also don’t think any of this is a conscious attempt to try to make up for his past."

If you mean that he doesn't feel guilt I think that's true. How conscious a strategy of repudiating his old views and how much its an unconscious "reading the room" who's to say.

I think what genuinely guides Richard, besides the lols and the need to make a living, is the idea of latching onto whatever he perceives as the highest status group that will have him at any given time. To do so he has to distinguish and denigrate that groups enemies, whoever they be, and to what extent they deserve it is really tertiary.

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He never praises Ukraine like he praises Israel. But he does shit talk Russia all the time.

Weird to me that WNs support Russia, which has a Great Replacement and is turning Muslim, over the very white Ukraine.

Anyway I definitely support Ukraine and don’t at all like this kind of disruptive aggression from Moscow. But of course it’s legitimate to question sending unlimited money to Ukraine especially with Europe next door.

I think Hanania is more anti-Putin than pro-Ukraine.

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The biggest bad guy in all this is American NATSEC, who clearly tried their best to stir up enough shit to hopefully get a war, which is the same thing they do everywhere. In 2014 liberals were smart enough to smell the stench of Nuland and her crew all over this thing, but then they decided that Putler hacked the voting machines for Trumpler and doesn't like fags enough, so they got dumber and went along with the latest NATSEC overpriced contracting bonanza.

As for Putin, I think anyone who looks at this objectively would say that we probably would have done the same thing in his shoes. Our history in Cuba and Latin America shows this. You don't have to love Russia to recognize they aren't going to sit by while you overthrow a neighboring countries government and turn it into an armed CIA enclave.

If Ukraine were some super awesome country being dragged into the dark ages by all this I might have more sympathy, but western Ukraine got two shots to make it work and failed both times. There really isn't anything worth fighting for with Ukraine, which is why their army is now slave soldiers kidnapped of the street.

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Weird conclusions and strange reasoning, but an interesting article nonetheless. Like, who gives a shit about social security or gambling? It's not that big of a deal when compared to the existence of people groups which have taken hundreds of thousands of years to evolve.

Also, you paint yourself as this cosmopolitan bohemian dude who is beyond the pettiness of WN, but you are firmly planted to the Republican party's sensibilities and political goals? Why??? The GOP dangling red meat in front of white people has been the party's MO for the better part of a century. It doesn't lead anywhere and never will. Ever.

Lastly, I've lived in two big sun belt cities. There people there are fanatically obsessed with sportsball, mindless drones who go to work, watch TV, and have no greater ambitions or aspirations of greatness. I have no idea where you get the idea that there are these faustian übermenschen living in diverse cities.

Anyway, love your old work. You gave me so many laughs back in the day. Best of luck on your future endeavors.

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Mar 27·edited Mar 27

Germans were the largest immigrant group by far in the union army and not conflict adverse you fucking loser lmao

Cope and seethe

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This is all well and good, but will you write more song parodies? Please? Right-wing theater kids are hard to come by.

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Mar 28·edited Mar 28

Could you be a little more specific when you talk about 'Faustian Spirit' or 'Manifest Destiny'? As in, what do you really *mean* by that? What would you like the average MW-er to be attempting to achieve? I like in a large Midwest city and my engineering firm is designing some incredible shit. Is that not 'Faustian' in your eyes? Or is it more of an aesthetically-driven LARP fantasy? Both you and Spencer seem to be big on this temperament issue but never really specify what exactly you want changed.

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The system conquered you.

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Imagine thinking you would find "white people as such" an in-group. Ironically, you'd probably have found yourself more at home among lilywhite lefty areas in New England.

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The way this article discusses and compares different groups of people is odd. Groups based on sex, age, race, geography, nationality and so on. When I look at these groups I see far more variation within the groups than I see between the groups. Knowing what group a person is from doesn’t actually predict that much about the individual in front of me. But clearly that is not the authors experience. He seems to be able to rapidly understand any individual by knowing which groups they are a member of.

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As a high IQ white man living in a blue state. the two most important issues threatening my children are the border invasion & gender ideology. Both require federal intervention.

All other problems disseminate from that.

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