
Endearing that you are entering some sort of earnest-posting era. The reason to try genuinely to enjoy the sun and bird and trees and lake is so that you aren't constantly running an algorithm that seeks to maximize its payoff with minimal effort.

Knowing you, you're not going to be able to get better at this skill in a purely Se-dominant way. If you can find a way to use the sensory experiences to feed your optimistic Ne/Fe axis, you're route to embodiment will be much more successful.

That approach encompasses a good chunk of what you are attempting here.

– Woah, this soap is so cool! I wonder how many Chinese slave girls were used to make the bottle? What would it feel like if I shove a bunch of it up my girlfriend's butt? Do they make candles with the same scent?

– Now, I'm walking down the aisle, and looking at one of the floor tiles, which is cracked. I wonder how fat someone would have to be to crack them just by standing on it? Would a tile shard make for a good weapon? Does ceramic make for a good doorstop?

However, instead of automatically focusing in on which patterns/impressions can provide you leverage in the immediate next moments, you just keep going back to noticing the stuff over and over again.

P.S. – Something that might help you become more embodied is if/when I come visit you later this year, I punch you in the face a lot. I'm only half-joking.

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Even ChatGPT approved of this approach.

(That's not saying much you since can get an LLM to agree with you about anything)


That'll be $500.

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Interesting jungian psych based take

And the goal of this would be to enjoy, feel, and understand life more?

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Yes, engage with life with a sense of vitality that is not so lopsided.

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Fun post. I’m interested in why people hate express talk about status. I agree that it’s a sperg signal. It screams “creep.” I also think that, when status is made express, it makes people uncomfortable for other reasons. First, we’re generally at risk of losing status by saying the wrong thing or falling out of fashion. So, its discussion causes anxiety. Second, status is zero sum: if you go up, I go down. So, by talking about your plans to gain status, even if those plans are just about you, you’re implicitly talking about reducing someone else’s status. Taken together, when you talk about status, most listeners get a knot in their stomach and associate that knot with you, which shortcuts to, “this person is a creep.”

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It’s aggressive and confrontational to talk about status openly. It also shows you’re more focused on yourself and your own status anxieties and wont be a good ally for that reason. However if you couch it in group oriented terms it diffuses the aggression because it sounds like you’re concerned for your fellow co ethnics status not just your own

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Walt, just get a puppy. Of a lazy breed that doesn't need much exercise but mostly likes to sleep and hang out, and won't bother cats. American Bulldog or something. Even a lazy breed will force you to leave the house twice a day...and you will actually enjoy it because dogs worm their way in and make you want to make them happy. Plus when you have a dog, people talk to you, so you'll not only be leaving your house twice a day, but also talking to people, and puppies are the number one chick magnet anyway. I'm serious, it would be very good for your psyche.

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