Was this inspired by our discussion of Mr. T's old article?
One thing I'd add is most of the people who compliment my outfits are black guys, and they do so in the most poetic and laconic way. When I wore a fake Gucci bad, a black guy at the mall said, "Got some designer on you," and when I wore limited edition green 990s some black construction workers remarked, "With the green newbies!" White people would either think it's gay to comment or they'd say something boring and stiff.
My husband got moved to a floor at work with mostly black people, and one day a black dude complimented his shoes, so he's been on a kick lately about matching his shoes to his clothes and changing out his shoelaces to complement his outfits every day to see if he can get more random black guy nods of approval. It's hilarious and I'm enjoying the new attention he's giving to what he wears. We're gonna get a cookout invite any day now.
On black vs white attire, I think part of the reason black guys dress better than white guys is because most whites have a cool tone and (by definition) pale skin, which is the combo that gives the least to work with. At that point, you're limited to blue, lavender, pink, white, gray, and beige. Lightskin black guys usually have a warm tone, and dark skin black guys usually have a cool tone. The warm tone lets you wear a broader pallet. A cool tone with darker color is more flexible than its fairer counterpart because richer colors are less overpowering
"The warm tone lets you wear a broader pallet." Absolutely correct. The darker skin tone lets the Black men wear a bigger array of bolder colors and have it work, their skin can stand up to it.
"... most of the people who compliment my outfits are black guys ..."
Going to routine things at the courthouse in downtown Chicago, if I was dressed nicely, occasionally I'd get a compliment, and it was always from a black person, male or female. Once on the elevator a lady just looked me up and down and made a noise, mmm-HMMM, which was basically, that looks good on you, nonverbally. I still remember it as a nice moment. Once in the Summer I had on a seersucker suit, and an elderly Black man with grey hair in the elevator said conspiratorially, "I've got to get out the seersucker." Once I had a tie on I liked, it is dark blue with small multicolored polka dots, and this gay-seeming Black guy looks at it and says, "I could work with that tie." It's like they just enjoy life without embarrassment or hangups, including enjoying wearing what they like to wear, and enjoying seeing someone else do the same thing.
I wonder if it would be possible to form a coalition of racially diverse ethnonationalists. Probably not, but maybe on certain issues where it would be mutual beneficial.
This reminded me of Thaddeus Russell's Renegade History of the US which is partially about how blackface was originally made by the equivalent of modern weeaboos who loved that blacks weren't stuffy and sanctimonious, with sticks up their asses like whites. They wanted to be carefree and chill like blacks, who didn't have to adhere to the suffocating Victorian social expectations of the time.
"White men need to be more willing to create art that disturbs and offends women by honestly engaging with our occasional desire to conquer/control/hurt them. By pretending we’re too civilized to ever feel this way we only make ourselves incapable of being sexually assertive, even in the benign way most women find very attractive"
Blacks are also more fun to hang out with unless you want to discuss intelligent topics. I think Jared Taylor said a Black is like a White who's had a couple beers, they are willing to be much more informal and relaxed around you even if they don't know you well. You can also casually discuss "inappropriate" topics with them and they won't freak out and get moralistic on you or give you a political lecture.
I remember when a classroom I had the absolute gangsterist possible Black student one could imagine. Openly spoke of having a gun with a "switch".
I appreciated him both because he was highly intelligent, that we agreed on quote a few real-world policies, and also that he would shock and horrify complacent liberal, normie conservative, and (libertarian) students by saying things how it was okay to brain an Asian with nice stuff on him and take his stuff because the dude was weak and had it coming.
It's that kind of real-life exposure to genuine cultural differences that can break people out of their "Civic Nationalist/Utopian" paradigms.
Black culture, everywhere, is the feel good culture. That is, feel good about yourself culture. That can mean engaging in all sorts of antisocial behaviour and declaring that you didn't do nothing/it's anyone else's fault, but you will have self-esteem!
One might criticise this as infantile and blah blah blah, but the fact is that it's fun and it's charming and it involves genuine easy enjoyment.
Live in a slum in the Congo, why not wear handmade Italian leather shoes and strut down the street like everybody else exists merely to praise you? It's awesome.
Watching a movie at the cinema and feel a spontaneous urge to holler your feelings at the screen, well, why not? Expressing yourself feels great. Just shout and joke and if anybody objects they're the problem getting in the way of your fun.
Sure there are downsides, but you can blame others for those, and there's a lot of upsides for you to take credit for!
An amusing read, certainly provocative as intended. Most correct thing here is the trashing of bland "respective" normalfag dress code norms over black colour and flair - that's always been enviable. Food takes are the least correct, not because kale isn't retarded rabbit-food but because most fellow whites I know eat exactly like blacks anyway, and the few that don't can actually cook. You need to exit libtarded circles with their "eco"-poison.
I’m a black man this article made me chuckle. Thanks, I admire white men’s applied intelligence & contributions to the world especially concerning innovation.
As an Australian, I don't have any firsthand experience of the racial dynamics you so wittily and insightfully explore, but well done on highlighting the greed of many 'saintly' doctors. Despite - or because of - Australia having socialised healthcare, the doctors are just as unapologetically self-interested down here.
Was this inspired by our discussion of Mr. T's old article?
One thing I'd add is most of the people who compliment my outfits are black guys, and they do so in the most poetic and laconic way. When I wore a fake Gucci bad, a black guy at the mall said, "Got some designer on you," and when I wore limited edition green 990s some black construction workers remarked, "With the green newbies!" White people would either think it's gay to comment or they'd say something boring and stiff.
My husband got moved to a floor at work with mostly black people, and one day a black dude complimented his shoes, so he's been on a kick lately about matching his shoes to his clothes and changing out his shoelaces to complement his outfits every day to see if he can get more random black guy nods of approval. It's hilarious and I'm enjoying the new attention he's giving to what he wears. We're gonna get a cookout invite any day now.
it definitely was
as classic as Jar Bear's article is I think it needed an update for a new generation
On black vs white attire, I think part of the reason black guys dress better than white guys is because most whites have a cool tone and (by definition) pale skin, which is the combo that gives the least to work with. At that point, you're limited to blue, lavender, pink, white, gray, and beige. Lightskin black guys usually have a warm tone, and dark skin black guys usually have a cool tone. The warm tone lets you wear a broader pallet. A cool tone with darker color is more flexible than its fairer counterpart because richer colors are less overpowering
"The warm tone lets you wear a broader pallet." Absolutely correct. The darker skin tone lets the Black men wear a bigger array of bolder colors and have it work, their skin can stand up to it.
"... most of the people who compliment my outfits are black guys ..."
Going to routine things at the courthouse in downtown Chicago, if I was dressed nicely, occasionally I'd get a compliment, and it was always from a black person, male or female. Once on the elevator a lady just looked me up and down and made a noise, mmm-HMMM, which was basically, that looks good on you, nonverbally. I still remember it as a nice moment. Once in the Summer I had on a seersucker suit, and an elderly Black man with grey hair in the elevator said conspiratorially, "I've got to get out the seersucker." Once I had a tie on I liked, it is dark blue with small multicolored polka dots, and this gay-seeming Black guy looks at it and says, "I could work with that tie." It's like they just enjoy life without embarrassment or hangups, including enjoying wearing what they like to wear, and enjoying seeing someone else do the same thing.
"unless he was gay or just absurdly buck broken,"
The casual use of terms like "buck broken" in 2024 are what make me immediately open any new Walt essay the second it appears on my screen
You have outdone yourself with this! It's just as good as in the old days (March)
I wonder if it would be possible to form a coalition of racially diverse ethnonationalists. Probably not, but maybe on certain issues where it would be mutual beneficial.
alt right and hoteps were decently friendly back in the day so I'd say so
Vance should wear a "Yakub is my nigga" shirt to the next debate
Okay that was funny
I guess you’ve never seen a 4chan /pol/ meetup before.
This reminded me of Thaddeus Russell's Renegade History of the US which is partially about how blackface was originally made by the equivalent of modern weeaboos who loved that blacks weren't stuffy and sanctimonious, with sticks up their asses like whites. They wanted to be carefree and chill like blacks, who didn't have to adhere to the suffocating Victorian social expectations of the time.
"White men need to be more willing to create art that disturbs and offends women by honestly engaging with our occasional desire to conquer/control/hurt them. By pretending we’re too civilized to ever feel this way we only make ourselves incapable of being sexually assertive, even in the benign way most women find very attractive"
I know a guy who does this
The libidinality, improvisationalism, and vitality of black culture is genuinely admirable. Just a shame about all the shooting though.
Blacks are also more fun to hang out with unless you want to discuss intelligent topics. I think Jared Taylor said a Black is like a White who's had a couple beers, they are willing to be much more informal and relaxed around you even if they don't know you well. You can also casually discuss "inappropriate" topics with them and they won't freak out and get moralistic on you or give you a political lecture.
Honestly, well said.
I remember when a classroom I had the absolute gangsterist possible Black student one could imagine. Openly spoke of having a gun with a "switch".
I appreciated him both because he was highly intelligent, that we agreed on quote a few real-world policies, and also that he would shock and horrify complacent liberal, normie conservative, and (libertarian) students by saying things how it was okay to brain an Asian with nice stuff on him and take his stuff because the dude was weak and had it coming.
It's that kind of real-life exposure to genuine cultural differences that can break people out of their "Civic Nationalist/Utopian" paradigms.
Bro, you might as well just admit that you are a black that happened to have less melatonin and 40 more iq point.
Jesus Christ I've been taking PILLS MADE OUT OF BLACK PEOPLE to SLEEP?! 🤪🤪🤪
Hey, I think he mentioned problems with sleep in the past. So it might be technically true 👍
Don’t skip out on that melatonin mane
Ah right, my bad
Black culture, everywhere, is the feel good culture. That is, feel good about yourself culture. That can mean engaging in all sorts of antisocial behaviour and declaring that you didn't do nothing/it's anyone else's fault, but you will have self-esteem!
One might criticise this as infantile and blah blah blah, but the fact is that it's fun and it's charming and it involves genuine easy enjoyment.
Live in a slum in the Congo, why not wear handmade Italian leather shoes and strut down the street like everybody else exists merely to praise you? It's awesome.
Watching a movie at the cinema and feel a spontaneous urge to holler your feelings at the screen, well, why not? Expressing yourself feels great. Just shout and joke and if anybody objects they're the problem getting in the way of your fun.
Sure there are downsides, but you can blame others for those, and there's a lot of upsides for you to take credit for!
this is retarded nigger logic
The moment I saw a chess board I knew the AI was going to fuck it up. Unless you’re playing some wife stacking 9×9 two queen variant.
I like thst as a post hoc interpretation tbh
An amusing read, certainly provocative as intended. Most correct thing here is the trashing of bland "respective" normalfag dress code norms over black colour and flair - that's always been enviable. Food takes are the least correct, not because kale isn't retarded rabbit-food but because most fellow whites I know eat exactly like blacks anyway, and the few that don't can actually cook. You need to exit libtarded circles with their "eco"-poison.
I’m a black man this article made me chuckle. Thanks, I admire white men’s applied intelligence & contributions to the world especially concerning innovation.
As an Australian, I don't have any firsthand experience of the racial dynamics you so wittily and insightfully explore, but well done on highlighting the greed of many 'saintly' doctors. Despite - or because of - Australia having socialised healthcare, the doctors are just as unapologetically self-interested down here.
This reads like Larry David on steroids. 👍