I don't see how "you're doing this for the money" is supposed to be a criticism. No shit it's about money? That's the whole reason anyone bothers to go to work in the first place. It sure isn't for fun or else they wouldn't have to pay us!

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I think he mostly just hates that I'm branding job stacking in a way that makes guys excited about it and gives the project real vitality as something to be pursued collaboratively by an exclusive ingroup.

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Part of signaling that you're part of the upper middle class, and therefore "a culture fit" at a tech firm, is knowing to lie about working for something other than money.

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also self-castrating and speaking with a fake lilting elite affectation is a must

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Don't forget your bros in public service. We can't job stack for a variety of legal reasons (as you have alluded to in past posts). But there is ample space for vouching for each other for job apps, and security clearances. A lot of this already goes on behind the scenes. (But not in any illegal or unethical ways)

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Longhouse corporatocracy is a better control society than Stalinist totalitarianism could have ever dreamed, making guys like this docile subjects. The mind of the last man actually cannot comprehend vitalist assertions of individual agency. Sad.

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His talk of employment “contracts” suggests that either he’s never worked in the US or he’s only ever worked H1B jobs.

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Everything we do is a trade in time to alter the physical pattern in which our nervous system fires. Doing something for money just means we have to be compensated for giving up our most preferred activity in that moment. That's what differentiates labor from leisure.

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all the objections for what you are organizing stem from status anxiety

holding 2 or even 3 part time jobs used to be a working class/blue collar thing

you just rebranded it as "job stacking" for admin/white collar jobs

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How many kids do you have Walt?

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We should absolutely reject the slave-mentality doing so is necessary. We owe nothing to our corporate overlords, most of whom have been heavily infected by woke ideological extremism long ago. Stacking multiple full time jobs is completely reasonable. It is our duty to take advantage of these companies in equal parity to how thoroughly they attempt to take advantage of us. That point about at-will employment is critical to our continued development as a people.

Regarding hard WN versus a less extreme racial consciousness, I too have come to the conclusion that it won't be possible to develop any portion of the United States into the ethnically homogeneous fantasy that many of those on the Dissident Right believe in. Caution is necessary however. We cannot simply throw to the winds this focus on our own people and have to walk a line between cultural unity and rejection of other players and kiths. Achieving cultural hegemony should be the current focus of the dissident Right which requires institutional power. Build your own companies, learn how to weather the viscous hatred of the progressive Left.

Nepotism for our own is absolutely critical right now, but if we can achieve cultural hegemony we won't have to be as purity focused as many of the dissident right hope to be. That said, tribal caution is going to be crucial once we get to that point. We cannot make gains merely to give them up by getting stabbed in the back by a seemingly servile group of sneaky bastards. I think sufficient cultural and spiritual hegemony could assuage the risks there. Some type of religious unity is going to be necessary be it through some sort of theocratic imposition or system of taboos. This is a long form project, not something that'll be completed in a single generation.

That's why I'm going to emphasize in importance something the article misses. We're not merely accruing resources for ourselves by the most efficient means available. We're doing it for the next generation: have a family and have children. The demographic decline of the entire planet is well under way at this point and those who produce children and the next generation of culture will ultimately be those that command the future. Don't let public school rainbow-waving-pedo's do it for you. One of the reasons that the Left is beginning to fail and catastrophically so is that they are aging out of existence. Sure they have angry college students, but many of their thought leaders are now in their 40s and 50s. Without a next generation, failure is inevitable. We aren't doing this for ourselves, we're doing this to build a better future for the next generation. Always keep that in mind as the ultimate goal.

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preach it!

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That's pretty good and I can't argue with any of it. You might want to tone down the personal attacks though.

A cautionary tale:


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I mean is he gonna sue me for calling him a bootlicker?

Anyway what happened to Nina was a travesty (and precisely why we need these types of hard power structures), but thankfully this isn't the Soviet UK.

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I forgot you interviewed her. Yes, it's not quite so bad in the US but who knows what it's going to be like in 10-20 years. Who are todays' law school students?

If one talks in terms of groups (which I think is best) then one can say as you do here there are always exceptions. Then it's not personal and takes the pressure off any individual to seek revenge.

I've been thinking how before the internet a gentleman had a public face and a private one. Now, we are losing this distinction and I don't believe it's a healthy trend. One can be a charming gentleman rogue and get away with a lot.

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right wing lawyers are outnumbered for sure but the right has enough money to remain insulated from real danger

also another goal of my movement is to finance collaboration with private intelligence firms and eventually fund blackmail gangs that force people like Turner to stand down or have their life ruined:


Anyway the relevant consideration here is Vaish already despises me and very obviously commented on Hanania's thread because of some bitchy vendetta.

When someone comes after you like that (esp when attacking the central mechanics of an institution you're trying to build to fund your political goals) the only appropriate response even from a gentleman is to shove your cutlass down their throat (metaphorically of course).

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We now have enough wealth to insulate ourselves from danger. That wasn't true 10 years ago. The dissident right has made incredible gains in the last half-decade or so, and it looks to be picking up momentum. Quickly.

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I understand where you are coming from but when push comes to shove and you/we do not hold the high ground you or I could end up like the Unite the Right schmucks – hung out to dry.

And don't say we're brothers or the same group. As we saw with Charlottesville that doesn't seem to mean much.

My point is white men need to hold the high ground, the culture, first and I don't know how they are going to do that with your anti-cancellation plan. The elites will find you and punish you.

I just read an artilcle in the Wall Street Journal where the female writer starts off by saying in an ideal world we will all have back-up generators. She doesn't bother to notice that this is a 3rd-world culture she is describing. She worries that they are too noisy and here's how to buy quieter ones. Why we cannot have a functioning power grid that worked for 100 years never gets mentioned. This is the world we are living in. She is conditioning people to accept a shit-hole, and very proud of it too. This is the Wall Street Journal.

I don't mean to rain on your parade but Trump is the best case scenario in my opinion. Seize power at the top but know what you are dealing with culturally. Learn how to develop a culture at the highest levels.

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It’s not mutually exclusive.

Trump winning is ideal ofc but to have any kind of scalable/sustained success we need decentralized, robust, polycentric power structures that can’t be taken down in one election.

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Sure. But I'd try to figure out a way to be a cultural gatekeeper at the highest level I can manage. Maybe you can do it your way. Who knows?

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You’re dead on when you say, “Modern neoliberal capitalism is simply littered with structural asymmetries between workers and capital.” Too many people pretend that a one-sided contract is sacred, when really it’s just “at-will employment” designed to keep you powerless.

The comparison to Alexander is spot-on, too: “Alexander didn’t spend all day in the agora bitching about Porus… He marched his men into the subcontinent.” It’s a reminder that complaining changes nothing unless we back it up with action. Overall, we need to see through corporate ‘legitimacy’ and encourage people to stop being pushovers in a rigged game.

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Men in general have allowed themselves to be emasculated to the point that rather than playing to win they will simply state the rules of the game over and over as if there are any rules besides might makes right. White men doubly so as we have been taught to hate ourselves for the accomplishments of our ancestors in a way that no other race is told to do. No blame may be placed on those who sold slaves in the first place, only on those who bought them (who were mostly Jews in the first place making the entire argument totally fucking gay). Nobody cares who the land was taken from unless white people did it. We’re just setting ourselves up to be the next group who has everything taken from us and there will be no land acknowledgment when that happens, bet.

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How do we send you a PM or email about job stacking? I have a question before I want to commit to joining.

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Not only is job stacking not illegal, it might be protected.

The current Biden-appointed NLRB General Counsel has taken the position that employer rules against holding multiple jobs are unlawful. The Board has expressed an intent to revisit the existing laws that a rule against holding multiple jobs is lawful. A Harris admin would probably keep basically the same General Counsel and Board, though a Trump one would probably go in a less worker-friendly direction. Although who knows with Vance in the picture.

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Jul 24Edited
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just to clarify are u talking about @Jeff Giesea or @TracingWoodgrains ?

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Jul 24
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lol well they're both objectively a lot more helpful than you are

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