> For most of us, though, we must grapple with the 40-hour workweek and uncaring corporate overlords.
This was as true in centuries past. You think everyone was an adventurous explorer and conqueror? Just as today, few men exemplified the Faustian spirit, the majority were unremarkable common laborers.
No, I do not think so, and you are correct. My call was to spirited young men who wish they could engage in those kinds of adventures:
>Obviously relying on asymmetric strategies requires an above average risk appetite and not everyone has that Faustian drive in them. That is neither good nor bad; not everyone has to or should do this. Some people are happy with a certain station in life, and good for them. The Faustian Work Ethic is for those who are perpetually dissatisfied.
The world is populated primarily by retards. The wisest men realize this and care nothing for accolades and accomplishments in that world. In other words, the wisest men have checked out, and are either alone or raising families in the woods. This “faustian” spirit you speak of is gay, on its face. It’s vain striving after the winds of a world far too stupid to recognize true genius. If one does achieve fame or recognition, they ought to be ashamed.
> For most of us, though, we must grapple with the 40-hour workweek and uncaring corporate overlords.
This was as true in centuries past. You think everyone was an adventurous explorer and conqueror? Just as today, few men exemplified the Faustian spirit, the majority were unremarkable common laborers.
No, I do not think so, and you are correct. My call was to spirited young men who wish they could engage in those kinds of adventures:
>Obviously relying on asymmetric strategies requires an above average risk appetite and not everyone has that Faustian drive in them. That is neither good nor bad; not everyone has to or should do this. Some people are happy with a certain station in life, and good for them. The Faustian Work Ethic is for those who are perpetually dissatisfied.
The world is populated primarily by retards. The wisest men realize this and care nothing for accolades and accomplishments in that world. In other words, the wisest men have checked out, and are either alone or raising families in the woods. This “faustian” spirit you speak of is gay, on its face. It’s vain striving after the winds of a world far too stupid to recognize true genius. If one does achieve fame or recognition, they ought to be ashamed.