The Walt Right
Walt Right Perspectives
Sex and Teenage Girls
Current time: 0:00 / Total time: -59:15

Sex and Teenage Girls

with Harry Seitz (WRP #87)

On today’s very special episode of Walt Right Perspectives I converse with the illimitable

, who recently attracted the ire of Girl Substack for his provocative piece about teenage girls and adolescent sexuality more broadly.

As a stalwart defender of freedom of expression I was greatly perturbed to witness Harold being mobbed and taken so grotesquely out of context by the Willendorf Brigade, and concluded it was my gentlemanly duty to come to the feller’s defense while also giving him the chance to elaborate upon his thesis through this podcast.

Topics include:

  • What Harry was actually getting at in his article and why he got so heavily distorted by unagentic Xanax-munching Zoomer broads whose attention spans have presumably been obliterated by excessive TikTok use

  • Delaying the onset of romantic and sexual experience considerably past one’s late teens often has an adverse long tern psychological impact

  • The twentieth century invention of the “teenager” category to facilitate complex educational structures, and how this has progressively infantilized young adults while deferring traditional life milestones deep into the average person’s twenties

  • Young girls are going through puberty 3-4 years earlier than they used to because of endocrine disruptors and unhealthy aspects of the modern lifestyle, which is causing them to develop quasi-adult bodies alongside very childlike minds and is likely responsible for the fad of FtM transgender identification in Zoomettes.

  • The state-level variability of age of consent laws (inc. Romeo and Juliet provisions)

  • In practice we need strong Romeo and Juliet laws or we’ll just create a pocket of 18-20yo guys who are arbitrarily barred from leveraging age gaps with 15-17yo girls, which is actually monstrously cruel to them and almost certainly a factor inflating the exploding rates of inceldom among Zoomer males.

  • Oftentimes 30yo girls are a lot less agentic and capable than 18yos and far more susceptible to grooming and nefarious power dynamics—age is just one facor

  • Teenage girls are often more mature than their significantly older boyfriend—last year poor Walt’s 18yo girlfriend left him for a dude in his forties!

  • The censorious impulse of the Willendorf Brigade toward literally any conversation adjacent to adolescent female sexuality doesn’t improve life outcomes for teenage girls and usually just obfuscates important dynamics

  • Is it more nefarious to date a twenty-something who can pass for a young teenager, or a young teenager who can pass for a twenty-something?

  • The sex negative feminist impulse against adult age gaps is taking this dynamic to absurd levels and portends to turn us all into Eloi

  • Young women often leverage age gap relationships to access more rarefied social and professional circles to great effect

  • The sociopaths on Twitter who bait guys with Down Syndrome or severe autism into trying to meet up with a minor for sex so they can torture / beat him up

  • Humanity appears to have an intrinsic need to witch hunt against a despised quasi-demonic group like pedophiles or “racists” (in the before times)

  • Merely using the words “ephebophile” or “hebephile” is pedophile-coded

  • Could women be convinced to ease off on this topic if they were made more aware of early female puberty epidemic?

  • A lot of chuddish and hysterical maximalists will conflate any desire for gradations with a minimalist outlook and refuse to entertain any dialogue

  • Why earlier this year before publishing his early puberty piece Walt took a ridiculous number of social proof / status precautions to not get mobbed

  • Some of the women who initially backed Harry are getting bullied out of supporting him or have been pressured to unlike his piece (45 likes disappeared!)

  • Women derive a tremendous amount of social power from deliberately obfuscating sociosexual power dynamics and have very successfully made it incel-coded to even attempt such analysis

  • Could a woman have published this same article without suffering the same kind of opprobrium?

  • Harry has gotten death threats in the past for his support of nuclear power—an issue similarly impacted by status coding

  • Harry notes that the casualties associated with Fukushima’s nuclear emissions were either 0 or 1

  • His article published today about why Trump won

  • Whether the Right or Left is seen as fun or boring is constantly shifting

  • Crossover appeal between Trump and AOC

  • AOC has a lot of potential as a mainstream Democrat politician and will almost certainly be on the Dem ticket at some point over the next few decades

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