On today’s episode of Walt Right Perspectives I am joined by my very dear friend
, who writes here on Substack at Shəlaka Uvach.Last year Sai distinguished herself as one of the earliest and most important contributors to the Walt Right community, and also collaborated with me directly to discuss several important topics, including The Brahmin Question, early puberty in girls, and that perennial topic of female agency.
Recently she’s been working with fellow podcast alum
on an ambitious project called The Empyreal College, which she joins me today to discuss.Topics Include:
What is the Empyreal College?
Their plan to secure a beautiful physical locale to host their activities
Zoomer dead eyes and inborne nihilism indicate a hunger for genuine meaning
How avant-garde artistic / philosophical movements can avoid donor capture
Walt defends his constant rebranding and novelty seeking
Walt’s goal to culturally enrich STEM guys while simultaneously helping artsy/philosophical people become more financially capable
Everyone wants their own status hierarchy to have precedence over others, but virtually no one is willing to openly admit this
- ’s nomenclature of “intellectual spikiness” (think a kind of highly instrumentalized cognitive overspecialization)
The necessity of being able to switch nimbly between different resolutions
Debating random assholes on 4chan gives you a broad liberal arts education
The critical importance of rigorous member curation for private communities—how Tortuga has handled this and how Empyrean intends to
How startups like Tortuga leverage entrepreneurial drive in early joiners
Walt and Sai debate the merits of viewing people as cogs and whether it’s essential for an ambitious institution to incorporate scalable processes
Walter and Sai debate whether it’s even possible for a non-entropic or instrumentalizing system to exist
Walter contends that anyone capable of leading a large organization will almost certainly have narc tendencies (or will need to develop them to be effective)
Western capitalist democracy will always obliterate its competitors and Walt fears this puts us on an inexorable path to autogenocide via VR porn pods
Sai argues that Walter’s understanding of the Faustian Spirit is incomplete
Walt argues that every relationship is transactional, and that what people actually object to is a kind of lower-order and highly explicit hooker transactionality
Sai intends to acquire influence not through scalability but rather through rigorous curation that inspires similar efforts polycentrically
Scalability and curation ought to be seen as yin and yang
Walt argues that global realpolitik will always select for the most brutally extractive and scalable system possible
Sai argues that IQ Shredders and global brain drain have created an entropic system that is fundamentally unsustainable—Walt disagrees
Walt argues the West has historically been successful because it leaned heavily into asymmetric / entropic systems (where not being sustainable is a feature and not a bug) and used the resulting crises to spur rapid innovation / expansion
Most people get stressed having to navigate a single status hierarchy and will pee their pants at the prospect of needing to handle multiple ones
Low conscientiousness people generally need to adopt highly Faustian life strategies to not be a giant loser
Is Empyrean gonna be an Indian thing?
Sai’s goal to stimulate an authentic indigenous spiritual impulse in America
Sai keeps getting in trouble because Walt antagonizes her anti-Walt friends in Notes by theatrically talking like a supervillain
The American cultural ecology lends itself well to developing an Indian-style syncretic folk religion
How to influence mass culture without getting contaminated oneself
How intentional or deliberate is anyone’s behavior?
Sai contends that people who aren’t conscious / self-aware will be offended when elites talk about designing virtuous incentive structures and interpret that drive as self-interested / exploitative (Walt thinks such peepo should kill themselves).
Historic efforts in India to stoke resentment against Brahmins
Walter specifies his aggressive classism isn’t about money but personal agency—he actually comes from White trash and has a contempt for the gay Class War mindset that’s trapped his own family in a cycle of poverty and dysfunction
Sai promotes the Dirtbag Right discord group she’s recently been involved with
The book Sai is writing with fellow podcast alumna
, which expands upon Meghan’s excellent article The Androgynous MindDavid Bowie / Tilde Swinton androgyny versus It’s Pat androgyny
Do wordcels hate women?
Hemispheric thinking (Jews as left hem and blackpeepo as right hem)
Jews and Irish as cultural foils (see Walt’s comment)
Walter’s contempt for right hemispheric cognition
Recently we’ve largely outsourced right hemispheric thinking to blacks (think white women using black reaction gifs etc.)
You will never destroy bugmanism by denigrating the “laptop class,” but rather by channeling Spinoza-type autodidacts within that stratum
Walter argues that the more brutally instrumentalist one acts in his moneymaking the more authentic he can be in his art and intellectualism
Walt’s argues a ruthless Captive Cavewoman Syndrome is mechanistically intrinsic to female cognition and men simply need to game around this
When wypipo killed their pagan spiritualism via Christianity those daemons were simply reincarnated as ideologies like libertarianism and communism
Walter argues that as we enter into the Age of Aquarius we need to accept western spirituality is dead and must be recreated on a very primitive level
Heavy amphetamine use will often place you in an overtly antagonistic relationship with your unconscious mind
Brahmins vs. Jews
Why haven’t Brahmins in India seceded into their own nation state ?
Temple donations have become life coaching fees
The importance of ritual in sanitizing and personalizing transactional or instrumentalizing types of social interaction
Why Hinduism can’t be exported cleanly into America
Walter argues that you can’t override the transactional instrumentalizing gear mindset but rather need to sublimate it via rhetorical judo
Western Desis and Wypipo Hindus are going to be more propositional about their Hinduism than Indians because of Protestant cultural influence
A lot of immigrant communities in America are significantly more authentic than the modern populations of their mother country
Despite being an immigrant herself Sai is far more anti-immigrant than Walt
Walt’s enduring fascination with H1B Pajeet
Does America have literally anything uniting us these days?
Sai highlights the value to a quieter approach to wielding power
Going forward Walter intends to platform his lieutenants more so that Tortuga becomes less entwined with his own personal brand
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