So here we are.
It’s been about a week since the orange badman won himself another four years at the Resolute Desk. And I don’t know about you guys, but I’ve been feeling a bit… deflated.
Of course I was more or less expecting to feel this way regardless of who won. But if I’m being totally honest the ennui is hitting a lot harder than originally anticipated.
I suppose that’s because the main thing I was looking forward to in a Trump victory was the prospect of reliving 2016 and delighting once more in those delectable liberal tears. But the deluge I expected never came, and aside from the obligatory fat girls on TikTok losing their shit over Nick Fuentes it honestly feels like the Demon Rats are taking things remarkably well. If anything it seems like most of them were actually expecting this result, but even the ones who clearly weren’t are too admonished by Trump’s victory in the popular vote to challenge the legitimacy of the results.
Of course that won’t stop them from bitching about Jan 6. But recall that twenty years ago they were singing the same tune about Bush’s illegal war / torture / wiretaps, and while I wasn’t alive during the Reagan era, I’d wager they had basically the same attitude about Iran-Contra. Yet these days libtards lovingly cradle Dubya’s balls and wax poetic about The Gipper’s legacy whenever it’s convenient to score points against Blumpf, so in a generation you can bet they’ll celebrate his memory just as ardently.
Trump is simply an innocuous normie grandma candidate now. He isn’t cool anymore, and supporting him doesn’t feel half as devilish / transgressive as it did eight years ago.
Also note that this time around he didn’t win because of some brilliant stratagem in the Rust Belt—he won because Joe Biden couldn’t stop shitting his pants, and because poor Madame Coconut had no way of separating herself from the old man’s record. He won because Fani Willis thinks with her big sweaty pussy and Ron DeSantis has Asperger’s Syndrome. He won because third generation Mexicans and Puerto Ricans speak bad Spanish and marry corn-fed Aryans and work in Microsoft Excel and aren’t particularly loyal to Hondurans with face tattoos. He won because Elon’s son became a tranny around the same time Biden decided to shit on Tesla for literally no reason.
Also this time my magical racist subculture didn’t play any special role in his victory; unlike the Alt Right in 2016, the Dissident Right was barely even mentioned in 2024.
Nobody realizes it yet, but we’re basically back in the Before Times.
To explain what I mean by this I’ll need to dive into some recent electoral history.
During the Bush Era the GOP coalition derived the overwhelming majority of its electoral power from rural America and especially affluent suburbanites (who at the time were quite religious and conservative in their sensibilities), while drawing resources from mega-corporations and outsourcing most of its intellectual leadership to a largely Jewish cadre of neoconservative foreign policy elites. Meanwhile the Democrats maintained a “coalition of the fringes” (e.g. blacks, gays, feminazis) which under Clinton managed to dethrone the GOP by breaking off squishy suburbanites through clever triangulation on issues like welfare and crime. But in practice this formulation derived much of its power from Slick Willie’s individual brilliance and panache, and Clintonian prosperity wasn’t enough to deliver the party from Al Gore’s black hole of a personality; on some level the GOP coalition was simply more robust.
It’s easy to forget this today, but GWB’s “compassionate conservatism” sold fantastically well with young people and Hispanics, and he was even quite popular with Muslims prior to the War on Terror. For much of the early aughts the GOP worldview seemed vital, morally confident, and robust, while the Democrats seemed cynical, prevaricating, and incapable of bold action.
But nature abhors a vacuum. The Iraq insurgency and Hurricane Katrina and above all the housing / financial crisis virtually obliterated the GOP’s credibility, and (combined with the inexorably thermostatic nature of American politics) practically assured the Democrats victory in 2008. And luckily for the Dems, their Man of the Hour was also a generational talent whose unique background enabled him to temporarily reshape the coalitional structure of American politics—not just by sending black turnout into the stratosphere, but also by picking off tons of educated wypipo (quickly secularizing in this era) while vastly improving Democrat numbers with three crucial demos: Hispanics, young people, and blue collar northern whites (i.e. “Reagan Democrats”).
During the Obama Era it somehow became common wisdom that all of these groups will eternally vote Democrat, and both sides of the aisle were eager to play into this. In the early 2010s it felt sort of retarded for a GOP politician to make a serious play for any of these constituencies, because they all liked Obama way too much for the GOP to make a real dent in his numbers with them (though Reagan Dems def soured over his second term once he went explicitly antiwhite). Hell, in 2015 we’d constantly joke about cuckservatives thinking Hispanics were “natural Republicans,” even though that idea made perfect sense in 2004 and makes equally perfect sense in 2024.
In retrospect it seems Obama created a mirage effect wherein Democrats became absurdly overconfident that “Demographics are Destiny”—i.e. that they’d establish a permanent electoral majority once they got enough bad hombres in the country to outvote all the chuds in the suburbs. It goes without saying that such a notion is incredibly retarded and neglects how first past the post systems even work… but to be fair, Karl Rove was saying exactly the same shit about the GOP just a decade earlier. The problem is these nerds imagine you can simply invest your political capital into building more political capital like factories in HOI4, when in practice it can only be spent (or more likely, burnt on idiotic shit like the War on Terror and DEI).
Anyway, it was basically impossible for the GOP to vanquish Obama in this epoch because the guy was practically invincible in the electoral college thanks to the very particular composition of his coalition: Obama’s superpower to mobilize entire barbecues of black people created formidable margins in Philly and Detroit, which were amply supplemented by hordes of working class whites eager to punish the GOP for foreclosures and layoffs. Thanks to this combination Obama created a “Blue Wall” in the Rust Belt that seemed a lot more formidable than it really was.
This, of course, was exacerbated by the Tea Party. From 2009-2014 the GOP didn’t have any firm identity because the Religious Right and Neocons had been gutted by the public’s disgust with GWB. Meanwhile libertarianism had some traction with the Ron Paul movement, but was far too niche and autistic to catch on with chuds. And so the Kochs etc. tried to dilute that libertarian impulse into something more normie that would still cut their taxes, but ended up astroturfing a movement of intransigent burghers who began demanding harshly Randian fiscal policy and (at the low end) started trafficking in weird conspiracy theories, some of which were quasi-racist.
On one hand this coalition was fairly well-educated, highly motivated (the Tea Party always killed it in the midterms, even if they got rekt by Obama in Presidential years), and fanatical enough to fight until the bitter end. On the other hand it was far too ideological to get anything done, its members kept primarying moderates in winnable races they’d go on to lose, and it was uniquely weak in the electoral college.
It was also incredibly white—Mitt Romney received a record proportion of the white vote (which actually stands to this day) but also had a positively atrocious showing with minorities. His performance with Hispanics in particular was so bad that the famous “autopsy” of the 2012 election concluded that the party desperately needed to appeal to Hispanics if it was going to survive in the face of ongoing demographic trends. The resulting demographic obsession bifurcated the GOP between a crypto-WN faction focused on curbing immigration above all else and a Jeb Bush guac faction pushing open borders with the aim of winning over Hispanics.
And obviously the former won out, but it was ultimately the latter that got its way—starting as early as 2016, when Trump took the GOP’s Hispanic vote share from 27% to 28% in his heroic battle against Hilldawg. Obviously that was a sideshow compared to his famous usurpation of secular northern blue collar whites, but I remember being taken aback by that stat at the time and questioning some of my priors.
Because in truth Trump’s first victory merely rolled back half of Obama’s mirage… and in doing so Trump created a significant mirage of his own.
See, the Alt Right’s narrative in 2016 was that Trump had weaponized the famous Sailer Strategy to brilliant effect… but this approach was never going to keep the country over the long term. It relied far too heavily on low-propensity voters from declining areas who quickly grow disenchanted (note Trump declined only with white males from 2016→2020) and trafficked far too aggressively in grievance, which is bound to alienate affluent suburbanites in sunny prosperous metros like Phoenix and Atlanta. Especially in the wake of something like Covid, the Sailer Strategy simply couldn’t hold out against the might of the Dems’ bantu ballot harvesting machine.
What could? The Bush coalition. Or at least a rough-and-tumble version of it.
…or in other words, what Trump put together last Tuesday:
My basic contention is that going forward elections are going to be a lot less polarized around race (except w/ blackpepo, who’ll start to vote like Hispanics under Obama with a lot more tolerance for “Republican uncle” types at the barbecue).
You’ll likewise see a lot less polarization around age, and I suspect voting patterns there will revert to Bush-era levels. I predict that rich Millennials will quickly grow incredibly selfish and right wing like the Boomers did, while Zoomer individualism will compel them to reject big government as they start to collect decent paychecks.
Sex polarization is also quite overstated and once Trump is out will shrink even further. And I likewise suspect that gay guys will start to break aggressively right-libertarian, provided the religious right doesn’t randomly take over the GOP; the LGBT coalition is only held together by fear of religious oppression, and absent any serious threat of that these people honestly have nothing in common.
My ultimate forecast is that by the 2030s our elections will look a lot more like how they used to: black people will be *sort of* ethno-nationalist (and this will fade gradually over time) but everyone else will vote mostly based on social class. But because we’re kind of a post-scarcity economy at this point, social class won’t really be defined based on income anymore so much as by educational attainment and other positional status markers (e.g. scholarly / creative achievements, languages spoken, countries visited), plus shit like marital status (more salient for women), number of children, the type of work you do, and religious affiliation / subculture.
But traditional identity politics are probably going the way of the dodo. And that certainly doesn’t mean people won’t talk about their heritage or make racist jokes—if anything I expect an explosion of that sort of thing in the 2030s. But in fifty years I anticipate people will look back at Obama-era voting patterns as a weird aberration
And finally we come to the interesting part of this essay.
To put it frankly, I’m not optimistic about the long-term trajectory of the GOP.
To be sure, there are certain aspects I like: Trump’s Barstool Conservative attitude on social policy strikes precisely the right chord with me, and the GOP is obviously a much better place to be a man—particularly a young man. Generally Republicans are better on crypto and AI, and as a high income goy I prefer lower taxes. I also like the idea of a transactional foreign policy that’s explicitly “America First” in its orientation.
There are also aspects I very much dislike.
For one thing I’ll never trust the overt theocrats that still lurk about in certain wings of the Republican Party. But I also doubt they’ll ever come to power, and so I won’t spend any time antagonizing my Christian frens by dwelling on wedge issues.
Far more worrying is the overt isolationism I see in a lot of people. Because I’m all for America First… but keeping the Petrodollar afloat is a part of that for me. We can leave China alone once we have our fabs in place, but please let’s make sure the Gulf States remain firmly under our heel so the dollar remains the world reserve currency for as long as humanly possible. Otherwise our standard of living will quickly collapse to like, German levels, and under such immiseration I’d probably jump off my balcony.
But the biggest problem I have with the Right is honestly just its retard peasant culture: the Luddism; the obscurantism; the grotesque impulse against wealth creation and sophisticated art and oblique rhetorical tactics and novel ideas; the blockheaded chud mindset that calls everyone who doesn’t talk in a monotone a faggot theater kid; the asinine worship of Russia; the repulsive lack of agency and any drive to better oneself; and above all the tendency to back straightforwardly retarded insurrection schemes that have zero chance of successfully seizing power.
Am I an elitist? Certainly. But I’m also not a snob, and feel like anyone can rise into the elite provided they have the right IQ and sufficient agency.
Moreover my standards aren’t even particularly high—I don’t really give a shit about your manners or your taste. I simply want our guys to take ownership over their life outcomes and stop doing obviously stupid shit.
Also don’t just sit around doomscrolling and jerking off all day—either make some money (I can help with that) or make some art or produce some useful scholarship.
The absolute worst thing to be in this life is inert, and far too many of our guys have fallen down that rabbit hole.
Anyway back to the central thesis of this essay, which is that it’s honestly kind of stupid to confine yourself to one party.
That’s been an effective strategy for blackpepo only because they’re geographically concentrated in swing states and are *just* big enough to have an impact but not too big for political consolidation to make sense.
For decades now the black political meta is that whenever Dems stop pandering to them they simply stay home because they have less to lose than pantsuits/Jews/gays and can afford to walk away more easily, which forces everyone else in the coalition to accommodate them. That strategy is powerful, but it also A) engenders resentment and manipulation; B) makes black media pathetically subservient to the DNC; and C) only works because they’re poor and more willing to walk away in the first place.
This isn’t a strategy that works particularly well for my demographic and probably yours too (to wit, upper income and mildly autistic straight white guy aged 23-40). For us it makes infinitely more sense to take inspiration from our Semitic friends and learn how to effectively play both sides.
And no, that doesn’t mean being a “swing voter” or something gay like voting third party, because you have zero power in a country of over 300 million people voting purely on your own individual preferences. It means creating robust factions in both parties that are relatively friendly with one another and can collaborate to pressure the majorities of both parties in a direction broadly favorable to your interest.
Jews are no longer especially good at this (hence me being able to write this article), but 20 years ago they were fucking fantastic at it and anyone interested in obtaining power needs to study how the Jewish lobby in D.C. was able to cross-pressure politicians from both parties to advance the interests of Israel while deploying organizations like the ADL to prevent anyone from criticizing Jews as a collective.
Of course more dumb dumb white nationalists got mad at them for doing this sort of thing, but this is obviously a gay loser mindset—when you see someone using power effectively, the only sensible thing to do is copy their tactics!
And that is what young and upwardly mobile white men (henceforth wuppies) need to do: build an implicitly pro-white constituency in both the Republican and Democratic parties to ensure wokeism actually dies the death everyone is currently forecasting for it, while preventing the future emergence of anti-white and anti-male sentiment.
To that end we need a wuppie ADL and a wuppie SPLC and a wuppie ACLU. We need to train wuppie lawyers and accrue wuppie donors to ensure we can fight for our civil rights effectively in the white minority society of tomorrow.
We also need to push both the GOP and Dems towards policies wuppies care about. Things like the proper implementation of AGI (by which I clearly mean acceleration and not the gay safetyist stuff—let the Jewish dudes and Asians have that) and curbing dopamine traps / dysgenic courtship norms. We need to organize a vast white boy conspiracy to stop our civilization from turning into fucking WALL-E.
So what’s our first move? I’m thinking it’s forming the central constituency of a candidacy for the 2028 election in both parties simultaneously.
In the GOP the right guy to cultivate is Vivek Ramaswamy, who’d clearly love to be the frontman for a bunch of racist white guys. He is also the obvious spokesperson for any concerted effort to curb H1B visas so we can keep our inflated tech salaries nice and high. We’ll probably need to pressure him a bit to fully support pulling up the ladder, but it won’t be particularly hard because my group is like 10-15% Indian anyway.
Also the guy really needs
to teach him how to effectively explain Hinduism to Middle America, because his last effort was kind of B-. Honestly that might be a good vector to pressure him into being our GOP figurehead.As for the Democrats, I say we go for Greasy Gavin Newsom, because the dude is clearly a predator and doesn’t even try to hide his Pat Bateman energy. Can’t you see him on cocaine chasing Xi Jinping around with chainsaw? He also isn’t a woke true believer and clearly has national aspirations, and at this point the Dems are if anything more likely than the GOP to pick a masculine white dude for their nominee in 2028.
And to that end I strongly suspect that Gavin intends to run a Clinton-style triangulation campaign that plays up his right-coded alpha dog energy and bullies the hell out of JD Vance or whoever else is unfortunate enough to face off against him. This could very easily be co-opted by an Alt Right style movement that pushes his policy positioning and cultural coding in a direction we find acceptable.
Anyway I could keep writing all day but I probably ought to work on Tortuga shit so I can actually retain my wuppie status instead of becoming yet another broke racist who spends his days writing angry screeds on the internet.
But let me know in the comments what you fellers think of my ideas!
My prediction right now is that Vance or Newsom, both woke non-believers, win in 2028, which will extend non-woke governance for an additional 4 to 8 years. The 2036 or perhaps the 2032 election will be where the magic starts to happen; Millenials and zoomers will make up the majority of the electorate, and their more woke views will now have to be accomodated for by the left. The X factor here is the extent to which their views in 2024 will carry on to the 30s.
Hey Walt, good article. I think I'm going to take a break from hiatus to write a few more articles in a more 'respectable' style.
That said I strongly disagree with your endorsement of Vivek. I don't trust him. He is bombastic and conspiratard enough to get the base, but he represents the worst evolution of MAGA, because outside the exterior there's just nothing there. He's terrible on cultural issues, literally just the left 10 years ago. Surrender on cultural issues always comes in based-sounding rhetoric. It's almost always the 'libertarians' who are the most guilty, as unlike the Neocon RINOs, they can speak to the base in order to get them to sell out.
Have you moved culturally leftwards since we last spoke? I dunno, this just feels slightly different from when I last read you, though I'm glad you're going back to talking about politics.
Not going to give my 'opinions' so much as I feel less certain in things, but I feel some analysis would be good. Not sure why I've chosen now, when deadlines are getting closer, to get back writing, but I think I just want to prove I can still do it.