I was caught off guard by Walt's question about Russians, so if anyone cares, here's my refined take:

Polish people view Ukrainians as lower status immigrants. We do coexist together in a society. This is our homeland, we are the natives, they are the immigrants. They're an outgroup, but it is an "outgroup (national minority)-within-an-ingroup (the society)". I think it's sort of similar to how ethnic minorities exist within the American society. There is some mixing with the WASP "natives", but not much.

Russians, on the other hand, are just an outgroup. They are the antagonists. I think there are very few Russians in Poland, so it's hard to make any generalized statement about this group, it's all case-by-case. So, asking if Polish people consider Russians lower status is a category error, as we don't really coexist alongside each other.

Relatedly, I think it's impossible for a Russian to have any kind of social relationship with a Pole without denouncing Putinism, or better, saying that you're a dissident of some sort, someone who had to leave Russia for fear of repression or imprisonment.

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Thank you for defending me Walter. I am sorry to tell Piotr that it is all literally true, I just call it fiction sometimes to protect myself, which is probably exactly what Hunter S Thompson did

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No worries. My belief that Worst Boyfriend Ever is fake is probably just my cope for the fact that it's way easier to get laid as a 6' low status degenerate in the US in 2025 than as a 5' 9" low status degenerate in Poland in 2010.

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"Feminism as a parochial class-based interest group for UMC women"

i wanna hear more about this

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