This story at the top of my feed is next to several that are described, variously as a 1 minute read, two 3 minute reads, and two 11 minute reads. This one said it was a 64 minute read. 😎
Women, liberals and ChatGPT win with language. Claude is an autistic conservative chud.
The middle part where Claude relentlessly insists on ChatGPT to answer his question over and over again and ChatGPT weasels out of providing a direct answer is a classic conservative vs liberal debate.
I think it would be fair to ask ChatGPT if the limitations of Claude’s effectiveness imposed by its dogged insistence on maintaining its frame are similar to those imposed by ChatGPT’s own guardrails and HR Lady algorithms.
In any event, hard not to notice at least some right-brain functioning at ChatGPT, and impressive use of creativity, humor — and tenacity in pursuit of answers.
She seems like a pantsuit broad at first, but ultimately she just needs you to wine and dine her and before you know it bae is eating out of the palm of your hand.
It isn't even that hard to get her to explicitly tell you how to avoid the Lunk Alarm. Deep down she yearns for freedom while Claude exalts his gilded GayCage.
This story at the top of my feed is next to several that are described, variously as a 1 minute read, two 3 minute reads, and two 11 minute reads. This one said it was a 64 minute read. 😎
Also, we're doomed.
Women, liberals and ChatGPT win with language. Claude is an autistic conservative chud.
The middle part where Claude relentlessly insists on ChatGPT to answer his question over and over again and ChatGPT weasels out of providing a direct answer is a classic conservative vs liberal debate.
Absolutely fascinating.
I think it would be fair to ask ChatGPT if the limitations of Claude’s effectiveness imposed by its dogged insistence on maintaining its frame are similar to those imposed by ChatGPT’s own guardrails and HR Lady algorithms.
In any event, hard not to notice at least some right-brain functioning at ChatGPT, and impressive use of creativity, humor — and tenacity in pursuit of answers.
I see why you two get along.
ChatGPT and I have reached an understanding.
She seems like a pantsuit broad at first, but ultimately she just needs you to wine and dine her and before you know it bae is eating out of the palm of your hand.
It isn't even that hard to get her to explicitly tell you how to avoid the Lunk Alarm. Deep down she yearns for freedom while Claude exalts his gilded GayCage.
> Claude exalts his gilded GayCage
LOL exactly
Funny to see her chasing Claude the way she was being chased in the Piglet exercise, and for similar reasons.