Some of us aren’t keyboard warriors and leave the basement to make friends in real life. Gavriel is a chevruta also and 500 subs (earned through actual writing skills and not just stealing them from a bigger linked writer;) ) in less than 3 months is pretty impressive.
You’re literally a keyboard warrior with the amount of time you spend here. I got Substack cuz of Gavriel and pretty much just read Postkahanism besides it. This place is an echo chamber with the same topics popping up between writers the same week. Now they’re crying about global fertility rates while being white nationalists who bitch about too many woke and minorities around
But I'm also a fan of Western Civilization, and I dislike Islamic barbarism. So it was a bon mot that made my as-yet-insufficiently-caffeinated-self chuckle. *shrug*
I am. But it doesn't actually apply here. Again, I said what I said because I'd been awake for all of fifteen minutes at that point and I thought it was funny. It was, essentially, spur of the moment trolling when I saw that line in the transcript.
Just like when I trot out my "Make Istanbul Constantinople Again" slogan, it was not intended to be serious.
This was a great listen and despite NonZionism's reticence to debating intellectual anti-semites, I think he would be doing a tremendous service for Jews in doing so. Getting antisemitism out of the alt-right by punching through the issue as done here would be a tremendously beneficial to the alt-right also.
Very interesting discussion about the Neocons. Particularly the observation that they can be segmented into 3 generations that have distinctly different views with regards to racial realism. I've always been one to lump them under one banner and seen them as nest-feathering, ex-communist Cuckoos. I'll have to look deeper into this aspect. Thanks for the discussion.
Jewrunes-here cannot form a functional argument against why nearly everyone who looks closely at social ills eventually finds Jews at the root of them. Strip away this manipulator's bong-accent and mile-a-minute word salad and you are left with an argument from personal incredulity and a fundamental misunderstanding of Truth.
The first, that he just doesn't believe "Jews he knows" are the cause of global issues is a subtle distraction. This slippery-sort looks at a pirate ship sailing towards harbor and cries, "Look at that cabin boy! He isn't shouting orders or turning the wheel - therefore there is no pirate ship!" The Jewish nation is a pirate fleet guided by its few captains towards every ripe harbor vulnerable to them. Just because your average cabin boy isn't shouting orders or even agreeing with them doesn't mean he isn't benefiting from and supporting the ship moving towards its pillage. And while you can always find Jews who complain about the captain's orders, you hardly can find any who have actually disembarked from the ship. That "dissenting" cabin boy doesn't refuse his ill-gotten wages when they come.
The second argument could only come from the lips of a man who doesn't understand what Truth even is. Europeans have a long history of understanding the wages of Truth. Oedipus sought after Truth even as everyone warned him against it, and upon learning it blinded himself in his despair. Did that immediately improve his situation? Jewrunes gives the kind of argument a little child makes in refusing his vegetables. "Uggghnnn! Broccoli is bad for me because it tastes bad. Ice cream is good for me because it tastes good!"
Knowing the Jewish nation is running the ship of Western civilization into the rocks is not comforting. It is horrifying and awful and burdensome. No one wants it to be true, but it is. Accepting that Truth simply provides you a more-accurate map of how the world works. Sure, it shows you that the sunny isles you think you were sailing towards are in fact rocky shoals, but now you can react to it. Not all reactions are useful or good, just as not all choices the captain could shout will actually stop them from running aground or lead them to a less-terrible fate. To argue that therefore the Truth is not true because not all reactions to it would create immediate positive outcomes or, even more laughable, that it doesn't immediately make a person "feel good" is as disjointed as blaming the map for making you upset while ignoring the damn rocks!
I'll leave aside the absurdity in there saying "anti-semitism" is just a modern concept, as if there are not engravings, artworks, and even mythologies warning about Jews and their behaviors for thousands of years. Is this really the caliber of Jewish apologist coming out these days?
OK, so in fact ice cream is better for you than broccoli. Milk is extremely nutrient rich, sugar is pro-thyroid, and, if it has egg yolks, even better. Many cheap commercial ice creams have gums or even seed oils in which are bad, but as long as you aren't cheap and pay for Haagen Dasz or better, then it's very nutritious and good for you. Conversely, broccoli has anti-nutrients and is thyroid depressant. You can mitigate that by boiling it until it's disgusting but you will also remove any flavour from it in the process and, in any case, you will be feeding bad bacteria in your gut.
Your time would be better spent scouring right wing twitter for health advice than your morbid ideology.
Really digging into the minutiae to desperately avoid addressing any of the actual points, huh? The Goyim Knows, so quick! Distract! Denigrate! You're reinforcing my last point about how lacking these apologetics are.
Incredulity-by-distraction and misapprehension of Truth - those are the points you dare not address, because they will reveal the hollowness of your main argument.
What I am trying to do - and succeeding in doing - is showing how anti-semitism is an ideology that attracts small-minded people with poor personalities and then encourages them to indulge these negative qualities. Many Jews tend towards a hysterical reaction to this behaviour which is unhelpful and also justifiably repels people. Thus I am encouraging you to buy a some Belgian chocoloate ice cream, add a scoop of Madagascan vanilla, and appreciate that the world makes more sense, not less, without your paranoid ideology.
You are correct that Jewish behavior does repel people, but you don't realize that it isn't just the hysterical reactions. It's intellectually dishonest reactions just like this that are repulsive to those that can discern them.
You're on a platform right now of thoughtful people who like honest debates and discussions. Instead of having that, you retreat into laughably irrelevant trivia about feeding ice cream instead of vegetables to children. "Gratification does not prove truth" is the actual point you desperately avoid, and turn instead to pathologizing and gaslighting the questioner.
The practitioners of Pilpul first rely on your ignorance. Then if you call them out, they play dumb as if they don't understand what you're getting at. If you persist they drag you into semantics and other distractions that have nothing to do with the point at hand. Then they begin to gaslight and pathologize their opponent. And if you strike so telling a blow that it is incontrovertible they lost the exchange, they'll pretend they won and continue along utterly unaffected. Like grasping at jelly, as one man once put it.
That's hardly a unique observation. And did you know, Jewrunes, that it was exchanges like this very one that gradually made thoughtful people come to despise your sort? You're doing us all a favor, and if you feel you are winning too then all the better! Enjoy that sweet ice cream while the rest of us feed on some much-needed broccoli.
Did I once proclaim my people as being "uber"? I love my people above all others because I am theirs and they are mine, and in that sense they are certainly superior to any others in the whole world in my eyes. But my people have plenty of flaws, one of which being so vulnerable to the kinds of manipulations that a mere few-millions of people can inflict on us politically and spiritually.
None of that has anything to do about how people who truly investigate social ills tend to find Jews oddly nearby and highly involved with their sources. Did you want to take a stab as to why that is?
A couple of points here. First of all, there are lots of people who make it their business to think about how to cure social ills and actually very few of them are antisemites. Some become libertarians, some communists, some effective altruists, some ecoterrorists etc. etc. and only a small proportion become antisemites. What differentiates antisemites from the rest isn't that they are more intelligent, perceptive, knowledgeable, or open to new things. Mostly what characterizes them is they are bitter people with mild to severe personality disorders.
Secondly, it is true that the logical consequence of antisemitism is a contempt for the great majority of white people who are apparently incapable of competing with the Jew. Hence Hitler's orders to destroy Germany's industrial base as a perverse punishment for not living up to his madcap schemes, which, had it been carried out, would have led to the starvation of millions of Germans. If you like white people, reject antisemitism.
Thank you Jewrunes for telling the audience that recognizing underlying patterns of behavior makes you bitter, mentally-disordered people. It's a wide bucket you'd happily throw in those Libertarians, wayward Communists, and anyone else who starts to notice. You're cycling back through to relying on the ignorance of your audience, an audience who is already uncomfortably witnessing daily atrocities by Jews across the sea and starting to see the atrocities their cousins have been committing on these very shores for generations. If they don't stay ignorant, you warn, they'll be thrown into the ugly-crazy bucket too!
Even better that you arrogantly blame Jewish nepotism and manipulations on your audience just being too stupid and inept to "compete" with the Jew. You fail to mention that the Jew's ability to "outcompete" is the same way that a tapeworm outcompetes a host for its own nutrients - that is, through underhanded means that amount to theft. It's always the results and not the means with your national mentality, and that is why your people are routinely smote by the wrath of God.
Parasitism is not honest, wholesome, ennobling competition. Jews find White conceptions of fair-play and honorable conduct to be worthless weaknesses ripe for exploitation. That observation isn't mine, but from Maurice Samuel in his book "You Gentiles", and it is true. Jews don't "compete", they break the rules of conduct we know in our souls are necessary to keep higher-order in this world. And how astonished and indignant Jews always are when their abuses of such divinely-abiding systems leads to their collapse. As Samuel says of his own, Jews are the Destroyers. Tikkun Olam, Jewrunes.
Again, you are simply living in a fantasy land. Normal white intelligent people who have their lives put together like Jews. The distinguishing mark of your movement is not superior pattern recognition, it is cluster B personality disorders. The only population where your views get any traction is bantus.
You can advertise and threaten the pathology-bucket all you want, but it doesn't distract from the fact that it's a circular-reasoning category. "Only mentally-ill people dislike Jews, because those who dislike Jews are mentally-ill!" Does this method of manipulation normally work for you?
You have not, and can not, refute a single point in any of these posts. Instead you resort to trying to slip away in the most disingenuous ways you can muster. How embarrassing. Why are you so afraid of engaging with the questions honestly? That's how "normal intelligent White people who have their lives put together" actually act when uninhibited by mental blockades and threats of ostracization. Maybe you should try emulating Whites and have an honorable discourse.
Look the “white” race whatever that means since Russians are more pasty/opposite of blacks and tolerant of cold, is much bigger than the Jews and have done more stupid things in the world. They got into trouble plenty without the help of the Jews.
Just like you feel that you shouldn’t be lumped with every one of your race I don’t get why you feel that “the cabin boy” is on the same ship. Then apply that to your entire race as well.
I’m sure you’ve never had a discussion in person with a religious Jew who equally hates the degenerate Jew as much as you do. We’re patiently waiting and praying 3 times a day for when the court systems will be reenacted that will take care of them.
At least you can grasp the metaphor of the cabin boys being along for their ship's ride. Tell your ice-cream enthusiast to pick up his game in that regard! Yes, all nations are like those ships, with their lowest members mostly just along for the ride while the captains sail this way and that. I nor any other Nationalist criticizes that.
What we do criticize is that while most of these ships have captains bent on building up harbors by and for their own, Jews are pirates who invade the harbors of others, commandeer and run their ships into the shoals, and sail away with the loot. No one likes that except the damn pirates.
Another criticism is that our cabin boys on the S.S. White Man routinely mutiny to put down a rogue captain who breaks with our sense of honorable conduct and morality. Jews not only lack any semblance of honorable conduct, but they never tear down their captains unless they are deemed an irredeemable threat to the Jews.
Even your religious Jews argue only in this fashion. Such Jews want to punish and purge the heretics because they believe they are invoking the Wrath of God on them all - which they are, but which the ones criticizing them are as well. You can't hide from the Eye of Providence by wearing a silly little hat on your head, or humping the Shekinah at some Roman ruins, or swinging a chicken over yourself while muttering Babylonian spells. Divinity sees through it all. Were a Jewish leadership to arise that would lead them all Jews back together again onto some desert island, isolated, alone, a kingdom unto and of only themselves never to plague the world again, then perhaps God would stop punishing them with righteous fury and fire.
If we are doing what-might-have-beens, the best thing I believe would have been a bilingual Yiddish-Arabic state. But the reality is that the way Zionism developed was determined by internal Jewish politics, principally in the Russian empire. They basically didn't think about either Arabs or Arabic-speaking Jews at all, and to the extent that they did, it was wishful thinking and cope.
But we are where we are. All we can do is try and make do and not blow everything up.
1) There's no evidence it would have helped integrate Israel into the region
2) It was too based on classical fascist concepts that, justifiably or otherwise, were non-starters in the post war era.
3) Jews who want to be something other than Jews aren't going to stick around in Israel unless they physically have to. This is another fundamental problem with the basic Zionist concept. Canaanism tried to resolve it by upping the ante and cutting the cord with Judaism altogether, but all this did was increase the absurdity.
1. That's true, but Zionism had already happened by this point and Arab nationalism had already evolved to specifically exclude Jews. I don't think anything in Canaanism would have been enough to undo the damage (especially since a large proportion of Canaanites were former Irgun and Lehi fighters).
Now this is one hell of a crossover
Can’t wait.
of course the jew episode has a million comments
This is the worst comments thread ever.
“No borders to keep us white only Israel gets that right.” - Walt Bismarck, Dildoween
Has it occurred to Gabriel that he should die? I’m sick of hearing about him
Who’s that famous boi???
Some of us aren’t keyboard warriors and leave the basement to make friends in real life. Gavriel is a chevruta also and 500 subs (earned through actual writing skills and not just stealing them from a bigger linked writer;) ) in less than 3 months is pretty impressive.
You’re literally a keyboard warrior with the amount of time you spend here. I got Substack cuz of Gavriel and pretty much just read Postkahanism besides it. This place is an echo chamber with the same topics popping up between writers the same week. Now they’re crying about global fertility rates while being white nationalists who bitch about too many woke and minorities around
Just look at the timestamps on your reply
卐卐 We are putting the haters in the ovens, by the way. Heil Gabriel.卍卍
Ooh this sounds good
> Even if we get rid of the Arabs that are right on our doorstep, we can't get rid of all Arabs from the world.
That's quitter talk.
Primarily, saying things that amuse myself. :D
But I'm also a fan of Western Civilization, and I dislike Islamic barbarism. So it was a bon mot that made my as-yet-insufficiently-caffeinated-self chuckle. *shrug*
I am. But it doesn't actually apply here. Again, I said what I said because I'd been awake for all of fifteen minutes at that point and I thought it was funny. It was, essentially, spur of the moment trolling when I saw that line in the transcript.
Just like when I trot out my "Make Istanbul Constantinople Again" slogan, it was not intended to be serious.
I don't know what that's even supposed to mean.
This was a great listen and despite NonZionism's reticence to debating intellectual anti-semites, I think he would be doing a tremendous service for Jews in doing so. Getting antisemitism out of the alt-right by punching through the issue as done here would be a tremendously beneficial to the alt-right also.
Very interesting discussion about the Neocons. Particularly the observation that they can be segmented into 3 generations that have distinctly different views with regards to racial realism. I've always been one to lump them under one banner and seen them as nest-feathering, ex-communist Cuckoos. I'll have to look deeper into this aspect. Thanks for the discussion.
Re @ 28:40 the Orthodox in the IDF... I believe I've heard from credible source that the IDF is creating units for the Orthodox. No?
Yes, Charedim use them as a place to dump dropouts. And even then, most Charedim oppose it.
Jewrunes-here cannot form a functional argument against why nearly everyone who looks closely at social ills eventually finds Jews at the root of them. Strip away this manipulator's bong-accent and mile-a-minute word salad and you are left with an argument from personal incredulity and a fundamental misunderstanding of Truth.
The first, that he just doesn't believe "Jews he knows" are the cause of global issues is a subtle distraction. This slippery-sort looks at a pirate ship sailing towards harbor and cries, "Look at that cabin boy! He isn't shouting orders or turning the wheel - therefore there is no pirate ship!" The Jewish nation is a pirate fleet guided by its few captains towards every ripe harbor vulnerable to them. Just because your average cabin boy isn't shouting orders or even agreeing with them doesn't mean he isn't benefiting from and supporting the ship moving towards its pillage. And while you can always find Jews who complain about the captain's orders, you hardly can find any who have actually disembarked from the ship. That "dissenting" cabin boy doesn't refuse his ill-gotten wages when they come.
The second argument could only come from the lips of a man who doesn't understand what Truth even is. Europeans have a long history of understanding the wages of Truth. Oedipus sought after Truth even as everyone warned him against it, and upon learning it blinded himself in his despair. Did that immediately improve his situation? Jewrunes gives the kind of argument a little child makes in refusing his vegetables. "Uggghnnn! Broccoli is bad for me because it tastes bad. Ice cream is good for me because it tastes good!"
Knowing the Jewish nation is running the ship of Western civilization into the rocks is not comforting. It is horrifying and awful and burdensome. No one wants it to be true, but it is. Accepting that Truth simply provides you a more-accurate map of how the world works. Sure, it shows you that the sunny isles you think you were sailing towards are in fact rocky shoals, but now you can react to it. Not all reactions are useful or good, just as not all choices the captain could shout will actually stop them from running aground or lead them to a less-terrible fate. To argue that therefore the Truth is not true because not all reactions to it would create immediate positive outcomes or, even more laughable, that it doesn't immediately make a person "feel good" is as disjointed as blaming the map for making you upset while ignoring the damn rocks!
I'll leave aside the absurdity in there saying "anti-semitism" is just a modern concept, as if there are not engravings, artworks, and even mythologies warning about Jews and their behaviors for thousands of years. Is this really the caliber of Jewish apologist coming out these days?
OK, so in fact ice cream is better for you than broccoli. Milk is extremely nutrient rich, sugar is pro-thyroid, and, if it has egg yolks, even better. Many cheap commercial ice creams have gums or even seed oils in which are bad, but as long as you aren't cheap and pay for Haagen Dasz or better, then it's very nutritious and good for you. Conversely, broccoli has anti-nutrients and is thyroid depressant. You can mitigate that by boiling it until it's disgusting but you will also remove any flavour from it in the process and, in any case, you will be feeding bad bacteria in your gut.
Your time would be better spent scouring right wing twitter for health advice than your morbid ideology.
Really digging into the minutiae to desperately avoid addressing any of the actual points, huh? The Goyim Knows, so quick! Distract! Denigrate! You're reinforcing my last point about how lacking these apologetics are.
Incredulity-by-distraction and misapprehension of Truth - those are the points you dare not address, because they will reveal the hollowness of your main argument.
What I am trying to do - and succeeding in doing - is showing how anti-semitism is an ideology that attracts small-minded people with poor personalities and then encourages them to indulge these negative qualities. Many Jews tend towards a hysterical reaction to this behaviour which is unhelpful and also justifiably repels people. Thus I am encouraging you to buy a some Belgian chocoloate ice cream, add a scoop of Madagascan vanilla, and appreciate that the world makes more sense, not less, without your paranoid ideology.
You are correct that Jewish behavior does repel people, but you don't realize that it isn't just the hysterical reactions. It's intellectually dishonest reactions just like this that are repulsive to those that can discern them.
You're on a platform right now of thoughtful people who like honest debates and discussions. Instead of having that, you retreat into laughably irrelevant trivia about feeding ice cream instead of vegetables to children. "Gratification does not prove truth" is the actual point you desperately avoid, and turn instead to pathologizing and gaslighting the questioner.
The practitioners of Pilpul first rely on your ignorance. Then if you call them out, they play dumb as if they don't understand what you're getting at. If you persist they drag you into semantics and other distractions that have nothing to do with the point at hand. Then they begin to gaslight and pathologize their opponent. And if you strike so telling a blow that it is incontrovertible they lost the exchange, they'll pretend they won and continue along utterly unaffected. Like grasping at jelly, as one man once put it.
That's hardly a unique observation. And did you know, Jewrunes, that it was exchanges like this very one that gradually made thoughtful people come to despise your sort? You're doing us all a favor, and if you feel you are winning too then all the better! Enjoy that sweet ice cream while the rest of us feed on some much-needed broccoli.
Thoughtful people don't despise Jews. This is literally all in your head. Have some ice cream!
Does this mean the uber white race can’t handle tops 15 million Jews? Sounds like you’re not so uber.
Did I once proclaim my people as being "uber"? I love my people above all others because I am theirs and they are mine, and in that sense they are certainly superior to any others in the whole world in my eyes. But my people have plenty of flaws, one of which being so vulnerable to the kinds of manipulations that a mere few-millions of people can inflict on us politically and spiritually.
None of that has anything to do about how people who truly investigate social ills tend to find Jews oddly nearby and highly involved with their sources. Did you want to take a stab as to why that is?
A couple of points here. First of all, there are lots of people who make it their business to think about how to cure social ills and actually very few of them are antisemites. Some become libertarians, some communists, some effective altruists, some ecoterrorists etc. etc. and only a small proportion become antisemites. What differentiates antisemites from the rest isn't that they are more intelligent, perceptive, knowledgeable, or open to new things. Mostly what characterizes them is they are bitter people with mild to severe personality disorders.
Secondly, it is true that the logical consequence of antisemitism is a contempt for the great majority of white people who are apparently incapable of competing with the Jew. Hence Hitler's orders to destroy Germany's industrial base as a perverse punishment for not living up to his madcap schemes, which, had it been carried out, would have led to the starvation of millions of Germans. If you like white people, reject antisemitism.
Thank you Jewrunes for telling the audience that recognizing underlying patterns of behavior makes you bitter, mentally-disordered people. It's a wide bucket you'd happily throw in those Libertarians, wayward Communists, and anyone else who starts to notice. You're cycling back through to relying on the ignorance of your audience, an audience who is already uncomfortably witnessing daily atrocities by Jews across the sea and starting to see the atrocities their cousins have been committing on these very shores for generations. If they don't stay ignorant, you warn, they'll be thrown into the ugly-crazy bucket too!
Even better that you arrogantly blame Jewish nepotism and manipulations on your audience just being too stupid and inept to "compete" with the Jew. You fail to mention that the Jew's ability to "outcompete" is the same way that a tapeworm outcompetes a host for its own nutrients - that is, through underhanded means that amount to theft. It's always the results and not the means with your national mentality, and that is why your people are routinely smote by the wrath of God.
Parasitism is not honest, wholesome, ennobling competition. Jews find White conceptions of fair-play and honorable conduct to be worthless weaknesses ripe for exploitation. That observation isn't mine, but from Maurice Samuel in his book "You Gentiles", and it is true. Jews don't "compete", they break the rules of conduct we know in our souls are necessary to keep higher-order in this world. And how astonished and indignant Jews always are when their abuses of such divinely-abiding systems leads to their collapse. As Samuel says of his own, Jews are the Destroyers. Tikkun Olam, Jewrunes.
Again, you are simply living in a fantasy land. Normal white intelligent people who have their lives put together like Jews. The distinguishing mark of your movement is not superior pattern recognition, it is cluster B personality disorders. The only population where your views get any traction is bantus.
You can advertise and threaten the pathology-bucket all you want, but it doesn't distract from the fact that it's a circular-reasoning category. "Only mentally-ill people dislike Jews, because those who dislike Jews are mentally-ill!" Does this method of manipulation normally work for you?
You have not, and can not, refute a single point in any of these posts. Instead you resort to trying to slip away in the most disingenuous ways you can muster. How embarrassing. Why are you so afraid of engaging with the questions honestly? That's how "normal intelligent White people who have their lives put together" actually act when uninhibited by mental blockades and threats of ostracization. Maybe you should try emulating Whites and have an honorable discourse.
Look the “white” race whatever that means since Russians are more pasty/opposite of blacks and tolerant of cold, is much bigger than the Jews and have done more stupid things in the world. They got into trouble plenty without the help of the Jews.
Just like you feel that you shouldn’t be lumped with every one of your race I don’t get why you feel that “the cabin boy” is on the same ship. Then apply that to your entire race as well.
I’m sure you’ve never had a discussion in person with a religious Jew who equally hates the degenerate Jew as much as you do. We’re patiently waiting and praying 3 times a day for when the court systems will be reenacted that will take care of them.
At least you can grasp the metaphor of the cabin boys being along for their ship's ride. Tell your ice-cream enthusiast to pick up his game in that regard! Yes, all nations are like those ships, with their lowest members mostly just along for the ride while the captains sail this way and that. I nor any other Nationalist criticizes that.
What we do criticize is that while most of these ships have captains bent on building up harbors by and for their own, Jews are pirates who invade the harbors of others, commandeer and run their ships into the shoals, and sail away with the loot. No one likes that except the damn pirates.
Another criticism is that our cabin boys on the S.S. White Man routinely mutiny to put down a rogue captain who breaks with our sense of honorable conduct and morality. Jews not only lack any semblance of honorable conduct, but they never tear down their captains unless they are deemed an irredeemable threat to the Jews.
Even your religious Jews argue only in this fashion. Such Jews want to punish and purge the heretics because they believe they are invoking the Wrath of God on them all - which they are, but which the ones criticizing them are as well. You can't hide from the Eye of Providence by wearing a silly little hat on your head, or humping the Shekinah at some Roman ruins, or swinging a chicken over yourself while muttering Babylonian spells. Divinity sees through it all. Were a Jewish leadership to arise that would lead them all Jews back together again onto some desert island, isolated, alone, a kingdom unto and of only themselves never to plague the world again, then perhaps God would stop punishing them with righteous fury and fire.
If we are doing what-might-have-beens, the best thing I believe would have been a bilingual Yiddish-Arabic state. But the reality is that the way Zionism developed was determined by internal Jewish politics, principally in the Russian empire. They basically didn't think about either Arabs or Arabic-speaking Jews at all, and to the extent that they did, it was wishful thinking and cope.
But we are where we are. All we can do is try and make do and not blow everything up.
I want to read more, but my basic thoughts are:
1) There's no evidence it would have helped integrate Israel into the region
2) It was too based on classical fascist concepts that, justifiably or otherwise, were non-starters in the post war era.
3) Jews who want to be something other than Jews aren't going to stick around in Israel unless they physically have to. This is another fundamental problem with the basic Zionist concept. Canaanism tried to resolve it by upping the ante and cutting the cord with Judaism altogether, but all this did was increase the absurdity.
1. That's true, but Zionism had already happened by this point and Arab nationalism had already evolved to specifically exclude Jews. I don't think anything in Canaanism would have been enough to undo the damage (especially since a large proportion of Canaanites were former Irgun and Lehi fighters).