You're halfway there to describing Carnaval in Brazil (which also has these amazing 10,000ish people Open Bar parties hosted by local universities throughout the year). Unfortunately the US has far less socially well adjusted people, but taking something like Mardi Gras national might make a dent?

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Yes I was going to suggest that, but it unfortunately has overly sexual / decadent vibes and you need to get shier and more bashful people interested in this.

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Yeah, there's definately the underlying aspects of Brazilian culture plus the tropical weather that enables all of their festivals to be, for a lack of a better term, so Dionysian. I'm an American that lived there for several years -- even the "nerds" and the "theater kids" end up being pretty cool people. It helps that Brazilians are very social people, and the women tend to take very good care of themselves while having to compete with each other (the reverse of the downward spiral of women letting themselves go in the US -- although wokeness has been imported to some large Brazilian cities).

But, the US could have some takeaways... try and get people out of their silos and socializing again. Parties, fun, the social lubricant of alcohol... You aren't going to reach the shiest incell, but maybe people that are close to the tipping point?

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In the cattle industry, we can manipulate puberty to be later by timing births so that female calves are exposed to a shorter photoperiod after birth. Make girls go to bed when the sun goes down, and they will hit puberty later. No artificial light.

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They did this in Boston in 2019. Milo was the grand marshal. It got some news but the marchers were outnumbered by people mocking them 10 to 1. Surprised you didn’t know this.

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Walt Bismarck is literally just Milo now who is obsessed with claiming to be high IQ while displaying that he isn't instead of being obsessed with black dick.

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or make it a Love parade (maybe call it Eros parade) and have it filled with straight people. open to all but centered on straight people.

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I think this would be a great way to do it. I particularly appreciate the open to all/centered on straight people aspect, because I think it would help heal the rift between straight people and alphabet types, and as an alphabet type I think doing that would be good for society.

So not great if you want society to be more right-wing per se, but definitely great if you want people to get along better, dating to be more functional, increased unity, etc.

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As a fellow autist, this is one of the most autistic things I’ve ever read. Honestly, Chris Chan could have come up with this.

Straight pride wouldn’t work just like White pride doesn’t work, the activist thugs would come out and attack you, outnumbering you, and the police would of course side with them. Various other ‘Straight Pride’ events have been responded to in this manner. It’s better to quietly find ways to seize power so these scumbags are crushed.

Additionally, whilst the (ineffective) claims of ‘Black pride is fine, we just want to celebrate our race’ is perfectly fair, as I don’t on principle oppose Black identity, I don’t want to be put in a situation where, to (fruitlessly) appease moderates, we have to say we aren’t against LGBT pride parades, because to me the entire LGBT project is illegitimate.

Blacks and Whites are two groups with an equal right to be proud of the ethnic group to which they belong. Straightness is inherently and biologically superior to the LGBT degeneracy, and we need to be firm in this.

So 1) they’d be counter-protestors outnumbering us unless we get power to ban them, and 2) we would have to say ‘oh, we’re not against LGBT pride’ when in fact we should be.

Thirdly, I’m sorry but 99% of women would find this utterly cringe. There’s speed dating for this, for which it is typically heterosexuals only, and it can be extremely awkward.

So, sorry pal, but it’s a thumbs down from me.

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I bet Camille Paglia or Spencer Klavan would do it. Great idea!

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Milo already did this in 2019, and it has been done since the 80s.

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