Man's a polyglot. Poetry in a second language? That's really impressive.

Kind of wonder if it's an IQ and personality thing. Look at your complaints about boring Midwesterners. You're drawing from a population with a higher mean IQ and perhaps more importantly of the aesthetic interests (openness to experience/N on MBTI) a theater kid would have. (Which wouldn't be true to the same degree of the Asian women who are also bright but descended from engineers and scientists entering the country on visas for those skills--our view of 'Asians' is very much subject to selection bias.)

A lot of intelligent men dislike much dumber women; the problem feminists have isn't that men can't stand 'strong independent women', but they're so unpleasant the kind of men they want don't want them. Sophisticated artsy guys with, say, an IQ of 140 won't go for the gal with an IQ of 100, but will go for the one with an IQ of 120 who makes them feel good rather than their 'natural equal' with an IQ of 140 who belittles them over 'toxic masculinity' all the time.

I kind of wonder if this is one major driver of Jewish intermarriage--the dudes make money so non-Jewish ladies snap them up, so the ladies get mad and create feminism. The ones who tone it down well enough can get WASPs with aesthetic interests who find the local ladies boring. So in a few generations you go from shtetl to 32 Paul Ryans. Which, of course, drives all the angst about assimilation.

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the last time jewish intermarriage rates had the skew you’re talking about was in like the 70s; it’s actually reversed now. jews live in high cost-of-living areas which attract upwardly mobile gentile men. downwardly mobile jewish men get left out while their women have lots of options.

while concentration in such locales is bad for population growth for jews, it does serve as a continuation of the selective pressures that made them exceptional in the first place.

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The 'Jewess' is beautifully drawn.

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Hmmmmmmm. I'd say she's definitely more the extremely rare Jane Seymour type compared to the sepultural Eva Green.

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Very creative!

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This is quite the overture indeed.

The pirate wanderer must be wary that these delightful shoals and reefs don't rip out his keel, and spill all this treasures and energies away...

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If I weren't already married, I'd feel threatened right now. We generally don't like it when smart goyim try to woo our women.

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Do you speak French Walt or use a brilliant translation app? Je parle un petit peu de Français.

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You wrote this? In French? Unbelievable

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Who wrote this?

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I'd say Wayward Walt Bismark did, but probably AI translated it from English and sang it?

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I…will regret asking this… why the interest in Jews and Jewish women?

I’m new here and a 40 yr old married lady, so forgive the naïveté.

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Got it. You’re a good writer. I’m sorry Rebecca was such a difficult person.

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Daywalker, the Rebecca's of this world are testing entities indeed.

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