
I love that the US version of fox-hunting is "grey or white cars"...great encounter...the future of art & horror looks bright!

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deletedSep 6Liked by Nina Power, Walt Bismarck
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Sep 7Liked by Kryptogal (Kate, if you like), author

I really appreciate the British class chat. Living in the UK it was funny how upwardly mobile working class people would sometimes try to learn a southern accent, you picture them as middle class and then you meet their parents.

Living as a foreigner in the UK is a sort of super-power, cause you are orthogonal to the class structure, so you can just hang out with everyone, albeit never become part of any group.

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deletedSep 7
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Sep 7Liked by Walt Bismarck, author

Nor should you change, British working class culture is great. It’s a straight talking, reasonably diligent and liberated in some senses, culture. I even sometimes miss the drunk bare chested men and BMI 30 girls in skimpy dresses, filling each Weatherspoons establishment.

Yes I guess so, it has definitely given me a lot of insights. It’s a very poetic way to put it.

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Sep 6·edited Sep 6Author

Ahhh, you finally got the lovely ISFJ BPD Queen to make a public appearance!

💪 ❤️‍🔥

In northern climes, where winds blow keen,

Lives our fairest, bold BPD Queen.

With collages bright, both art and AI,

She blends the real with dreamlike sky.

Her senses twist, perceptions blur,

A world unseen, yet felt in her.

Oh, shy and sweet, yet bold of heart,

Her art and soul play their own part.

Her husband dear, of humble stock,

A Jew who works by hammer’s knock,

Handsome and true, he stands beside,

The queen who sees the world so wide.

In colors strange and visions clear,

Her world is love, both far and near.

So sing her praise with voice and tune,

Our lovely, radiant ISFJ moon!

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Great to hear Kirsty's voice...once again totally not what I was imagining. As an American, basically all forms of English accent sound sophisticated and posh to me, I don't hear the class difference (though I would've thought Kirsty was Irish or Scottish or....something?? different from English).

Two things: fox hunting definitely is way, way worse than deer hunting. First it's just worse to hunt predators than prey...the prey animals are built to be hunted and have the evolved senses to get away and are always running away from things on a daily basis. They're going to meet some terrible end, so getting snuck up on and shot is actually one of the best and fastest possible ways they'll die. Better than being tracked by a pack of wolves for a day til they're exhausted and then eaten alive. Fox hunting runs the poor fox ragged in terror all day long with a pack of hounds and horses and just overwhelming force. It's not fair, cruel, and much worse than a hunter sitting in a blind, waiting til a deer strolls by and then just shooting it dead.

Also just wanted to say one of the reason I've played my podcasts so many times is bc friends/family always want to hear them, but I don't want them to know my substack profile name, so I only let them listen by playing it on my phone for them. 😎 Me and my mom got in a big fight about this when she was visiting, bc I only let her listen to select portions that I played on my phone and she got all offended I wouldn't tell her my profile bc she thinks she's a cool mom who can deal with it.

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deletedSep 7Liked by Kryptogal (Kate, if you like)
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Plus foxes are adorable and very intelligent and they laugh. They're like small, super smart independent dogs. Just worse to hunt them all around, but especially in that particular manner.

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"It's sheit being Scottish, we're the lowest of the low." - Trainspotting

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Sep 6Liked by Kryptogal (Kate, if you like), Walt Bismarck, author

I like Aella, if nothing more than for being a smart whore. Walt is our smart whore.

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Yeah I like them both too, though don't see much similar about them...Aella is sort of emotionless and Walt definitely isn't. Though I guess maybe they're both similar in being capable of speaking in the language and emotional tone of the opposite sex while being very straight.

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deletedSep 6Liked by Kryptogal (Kate, if you like)
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He’s got dual whore citizenship

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Blimey that's some running list, looking forward to hearing it 👍

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I love the musical introductions.

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Sep 6Liked by author

Cool to see this finally happening!

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