Walt is coming over to the dark side of going down on Jewesses.

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this is the one I mentioned who turned me philo

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The most horrifying part of Rebecca’s story is that her honesty and cooperation in rehab became evidence to keep her locked up. If she truthfully represented what happened in this case, then the Marchman Act’s incentives are completely backward.

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Whole thing was incredibly fucked up and I'm quite sure she could have contested it with a half-decent lawyer and enough functional sobriety to stick to a plan.

Sadly she had neither of those things (I didn't invest in the first because the second was missing and I didn't especially feel like dealing with people in her life butting into our beeswax) so her 'rents got basically whatever they wanted.

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"Don't save her, she don't wanna be saved" - Martin Luther King / Richard Spencer

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