One of the main inspirations for dragons was people stumbling across dinosaur fossils before the development of modern natural science. People found colossal remains of animals that resembled birds and reptiles and thought they were dragons

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I’m pro-dragon personally 🙉

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Fascinating podcast, glad I got a mention. It's true I don't understand the American South as I've only read about it and have never been, let alone grown up in the place, which is why talking to Ringleader has been interesting.

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Thanks bro! Yea I’m glad the point I was making came across well. It really is just a natural reality that we’re more disposed to the prevailing messaging on foreign things. It’s great talking with you as well!

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As an across the pond listener our elites have openly admitted that mass immigration and miscegenation is the way to achieve their goal of eradication of the native white population and culture supposedly in the name of globalism. IMO for the WR in the US this should concentrate minds on the uber relevance of not race mixing as after all The Old World is where your ancestors hailed from.On the "cultural "front I found the whole framing of Hamilton a complete turn off and haven't changed my mind whether that's in any way relevant as an old worlder. Being written by a Puerto Rican who spoke of being relentlessly bullied by a black during his high school years and then as an adult creating a hip hop musical about US history made me even more repulsed. I guess that the concept of the founding fathers is so fundamental to appreciators of US history that many initial disapprovers can be "won around "which to me shows how insidious it is. The erasure of whites from dramatic representation of European history is happening too.

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I appreciate what youre doing in taking on very sensitive and important questions concerning race and sex. I do think you are making mistakes though concerning blacks. The majority cannot and will not act "white" just as the majority of Europeans cannot act black. High IQ blacks are much worse than regular blacks. Far more clever at parasitism and are far more capable of exploiting status conscious and insecure white people's fears. Things like "disparate impact" for instance. Women and Jews also identify with blacks so you need to deal with that. Best to think about Daniel Patrick Moynihan's advice and practice benign neglect, i.e., don't worry about them. Focus on your own identity.

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