The Walt Right
Walt Right Perspectives
Episode 26 : The Jewish Question with Ancient Problemz

Episode 26 : The Jewish Question with Ancient Problemz


On this episode of Walt Right Perspectives I speak with longtime listener Ancient Problemz, a right wing elder millennial Jewish guy originally from South Florida.

AP first reached out to me after hearing my defense of Jews in an exchange with Gordon Kahl, a prominent white nationalist. He resonated with a lot of the things I said, but wanted the opportunity to voice the perspective of a Based Jew: someone who is edgy, masculine, into hierarchy, and good with women. He also wanted to demonstrate what it might look like for a Jewish guy to enter into a coalition with me.

Topics include:

  • Slave morality / victim mindset often associated with modern antisemitism

  • Historical participation of Jews in white nationalist movements

  • Are Jews white? Does it matter?

  • Conservatism of Floridian Jews vs. Liberalism of New York Jews

  • Has there been a political divergence between liberal and conservative Jews?

  • Authors of antiwhite Buzzfeed articles were resentful failsons, not “elites”

  • Modern “Civil War” among Jews and recent defection of elites like Bill Ackman

  • Jewish overrepresentation in the media and high finance—is it meritocracy or ethnic nepotism? Can you even disaggregate the two?

  • Has AP ever benefited from ethnic favoritism?

  • Kevin MacDonald’s Culture of Critique

  • Relative paranoia of older generations of Jews

  • The old alliance of Jews / white ethnics / borderers against Yankee WASPs

  • Do Jews feel closer to Catholics or Protestants? Why do so many Jews convert to Catholicism despite Protestantism being much more Jewish?

  • Why do a lot of Jewish guys avoid dating Jewish women?

  • What draws trans-Hajnal goys to Jewesses and Jewish guys to black girls?

  • The appeal of edgy antisemitic movements to transgressive young Jewish guys

  • Transactional alliances between elites can work because most people don’t matter

  • Elite liberals are trying to distance themselves from progressive racial views

  • Does DEI make Jews feel more pro-White?

  • Is supporting Zionism necessary for bringing Jews into a rightist coalition?

  • Is Israel a U.S. air force base? Is the petrodollar necessary for our prosperity?

  • Should America annex Israel, the UK, and Canada?

  • What is the most strategically optimal attitude for Walt to take on Israel when he doesn’t really care about the issue?

  • AP’s adversarial attitude towards business as applied to political negotiation

  • Haggling as respect for the dignity of your interlocutor.

  • Was Candace Owens’s departure from The Daily Wire actually orchestrated?

  • Political apathy of cosmopolitan male elites who are temperamentally conservative and otherwise masculine

  • How upper middle class people stay ahead because they’re good at paperwork

  • Resentment from high trust cis-Hajnal whites towards low trust trans-Hajnal business sensibilities

  • How to protect midwestern Hobbits from the influx of our degen coastie values?

  • Was the 70s a “sweet spot” level of degeneracy?

  • High openness of Texas and Florida vs. other conservative parts of the country

  • Relative inefficiency of plantation economy

  • Exponential interracial dating strategies that rely on asymmetrical gender norms

  • AP’s theory that people will affiliate with the ethnicity lets them act as they want

  • Zoomer female sex negativity and AP’s dating advice for young guys

  • The downsides of professional competition between men and women

  • Essential value of intergenerational friendships

  • Importance of finding a wife with high potential over maximum present value

  • How should the urbanist / futurist / secular right handle homosexuality?

  • Skill of gay men at influencing women and showing them how to be feminine

  • Was gay marriage a slippery slope to transgenderism and drag queen story hour?

  • The desire of an “ethnostate of high verbal IQs”

  • Does Israeli conscription of both men and women support a higher TFR

  • Title IX mission creep

  • Should Millennial guys deliberately date Zoomer girls to inspire Zoomer men into trying at life again?

  • Importance of reciprocity as a behavioral norm in transactional politics— “Heaven if you do, Hell if you don’t”

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