The US is never resurrecting the draft. The last war it was used in resulted in the most ill disciplined army in US history, whereas the all-volunteer force in Desert Storm was the highest quality ever. Bills in Congress to resuscitate the draft in the run up to Iraqi Freedom failed.

A war with China would probably not involve any land campaigns, so the Army wouldn't be heavily involved. The Navy, Air Force, and Marine Corps as far as I know were all-volunteer during the Vietnam War, and given how technical much of what the former two do is, they probably wouldn't benefit from conscripts. Nevertheless, I think it would be healthy for society to bring it back since it would engender a sense of civic bonds through shared experience and possibly reduce US interventions abroad since parents wouldn't want their kids getting deployed.

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Excited to listen to this one. Big fan of the copper IUD over here. A much better option for many (not all, don't @ me) women who want to avoid hormonal BC (although the insertion might have literally been the worst pain I've ever felt in my life).

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fascinating you guys independently developed the exact same opinion

leads me to believe copper iud will be the future

steampunk uterus futurism

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You must have grown up in a very white and/or rural area. I’m older than you (I think) and hip hop and black slang were the norm among the white and Asian kids I went to school with.

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