The Walt Right
Walt Right Perspectives
DeepLeftAnalysis - Jews, Race Realism, and Elite Theory
Current time: 0:00 / Total time: -1:59:55

DeepLeftAnalysis - Jews, Race Realism, and Elite Theory

WRP #105

On today’s episode of Walt Right Perspectives I speak with the illimitable

, who publishes at .

Last year DLA was nice enough to have me on his own podcast in an episode that was well-received and provoked lots of interesting discussion, and it seemed a good time to repay the favor and invite the capable young mensch on WRP.

Be sure to let us know your thoughts in the comments below, and don’t forget to click that heart for your beloved Uncle Walt.

Topics Include:

  • DLA summarizes who he is and how he came into these spaces

  • Why DLA doesn’t describe himself as a race realist or hereditarian

  • DLA reveals he was a Walt Bismarck fan back in 2016

  • Race is clinal, not discretely distributed

  • How DLA differs in his assessment of HBD versus most racial realists

  • Why are Albanians lower IQ than other Europeans? Muslim cousin marriage? Brain drain into the Ottoman Empire?

  • DLA’s Jewish heritage

  • Walt’s theory that Jews actually do have magical powers

  • The antisemitic-philosemitic horseshoe

  • The historical origins of modern antisemitism in the 19th century after Napoleon unleashed them from their shtetls and ghettos

  • The dramatic religious revolution that was Reform Judaism

  • How Jews play Chess

  • Walt argues Jews are annoying but it’s good to have them around

  • How Walt Bismarck’s racist multiculturalism compares to his Prussian namesake Otto Von Bismarck’s social welfare state

  • DLA compares Waltbismarckism to the Indian caste system

  • Why DLA thinks America’s future will be a conflict between Asians and Indians

  • Does Trumpism represent the ascendence of Ellis Islanders over WASP values?

  • Will Trump actually crack down on immigration in any meaningful way?

  • Walt argues elite Indian immigration will decrease on its own

  • Will White boys always be on top? Walt says yes, DLA says no.

  • Can Indians get away with acting like Jews after seizing power?

  • Did the Alt Right make elite Jews more reticent about being openly antiwhite?

  • Will the DNC become more nativist and the GOP multiculturalist?

  • How political conflict can lead to ethnogenesis

  • Can right wing whites riot without getting permission from the government?

  • The extreme political power of the Second Klan—particularly in Indiana

  • Walt argues it’s important to emulate Jews to obtain power

  • How the Alt Right leverages irony to have its cake and eat it too

  • Too many people on the Right blame their personal issues on elites

  • Only a person with power can be truly virtuous

  • Why Walt and DLA support the Petrodollar

  • Why shouldn’t we recolonize Africa?

  • The repression of Ron Paul and other noninterventionists under the Neocons created an exaggerated isolationist impulse surfacing on the Right under Trump

  • Why DLA supports deporting criminals to Haiti and Africa

  • Why people prefer to invest in India vs. South Africa despite its lower avg IQ

  • Should we put the Boers back in charge of South Africa?

  • Walt asks DLA to assess his reparations proposal

  • In 2020 did BLM hurt Trump or Biden more

  • DLA explains his comment on Notes arguing we’re transitioning from a written culture into an oral culture where social position matters more than truth

  • The collective action problem inherent in believing in “truth”

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