The Walt Right
Walt Right Perspectives
China, Asian Americans, and Body Odor HBD
Current time: 0:00 / Total time: -1:22:17

China, Asian Americans, and Body Odor HBD

with The Calipers (WRP #90)

On today’s episode of Walt Right Perspectives I speak with

—a longtime friend of this publication who fittingly writes at

The Calipers is a politically homeless late millennial of mixed Chinese and White heritage who was briefly racially activated during the height of Covid hysteria in 2020 but has since deradicalized into rationalist / heterodox / Hananiac circles.

Read more about his trajectory here:

The Calipers
Putting Chinese nationalism on the shelf
I started this blog in 2021, wrote a few articles, and then spent three years as a lurker. Now I intend to start writing again, but I am no longer interested in emphasizing my Chinese diaspora identity. So this handle doesn’t work anymore. Stay tuned for the positive rebrand, but the…
Read more

Topics include:

  • Dennis Kucinich as a proto-Bernie Sanders—why didn’t he have a moment?

  • The coalitional dynamics of Hillary vs. Boinie

  • Foreign Policy was vastly more important in the age of the Iraq War

  • Western naivete toward China in the 1990s

  • Is China just another Japan?

  • Are East Asians less Faustian than Europeans?

  • Are the Japanese more Faustian than other Asians?

  • Walt explains what he means by “Faustian”

  • Confucius vs. Aristotle

  • Are Asians more risk averse because they adopted agriculture earlier, or because Europe has a fragmented geography which helped to break apart Rome?

  • China as a “version of Rome where Justinian won”

  • Why are white nationalists so often weeaboos?

  • China as one of the few populations where farmers weren’t overrun by nomads

  • Why haven’t any fully blooded East Asians come on Walt Right Perspectives?!

  • Elite FOB Chinese guys don’t fit the submissive Asian stereotype at all

  • The Chinese are actually closer culturally to Americans than Japanese

  • The tendency of lazy white boys to pass off work to azns in Corporate America

  • Elite White Men don’t see multiculturalism as oppressive because they personally benefit from it, and will be anti-White and feminist to pull up the ladder on other White guys because they don’t see women or minorities as threats

  • Can a Chinese guy truly succeed in America?

  • Should Asian American men arbitrage their status in Southeast Asia?

  • Do wypipo want Japanese to represent Asians because they are more subdued?

  • The genetic diversity in the Han population precludes it from being an ethnostate

  • Why Calipers was racially activated in 2020

  • The tendency of working class Whites to be crudely racist against Asians despite being obnoxiously protective toward blacks

  • Why doesn’t racial banter between Whites and Asians feel as natural? Do Asians not have a sufficient tradition of minstrelsy?

  • Is Bobby Lee cooning?

  • The recent rise in the sociosexual status of East Asian men

  • Was Crazy Rich Asians as big a deal as everyone made it?

  • Is there a meaningful difference between the American Hapa experience versus the experience of people with exclusively Asian heritage?

  • Elliot Rodger was a rich good looking mixed guy who killed his Asian roommates

  • Do mixed race people have more of an impetus to think about identity issues?

  • Whiteness was far more normative for Millennials than Zoomers

  • Is Calipers jealous of younger Asians who grew up in a less normative ecology?

  • Do Asian men and women have radically different experiences in America?

  • Asian girls as “hyper-white women” suited for Corporate America

  • Actuarial science as a profession temperamentally suited for Asian women

  • Over time Hispanics in America tend to either become white or black

  • The “Fancy Asians vs. Jungle Asians” distinction

  • Should the Vietnamese be considered East Asians or Southeast Asians?

  • Is it offensive to aggregate East Asians and Southeast Asians into a single group?

  • Factors causing Southeast Asians to be more conservative than East Asians

  • Liberal Whites and Conservative Whites are different ethnic groups now

  • Does Calipers agree with

    ’s argument that Castizo Futurism won’t apply to Asians?

  • The power of Whiteness consists in its aspirational quality—Whiteness is a gradient instead of a hard binary like Blackness, which allows Whites to use miscegenation as a tool of conquest and to divide & conquer

  • The incentive to shapeshift—going forward mixed beige Zoomers will racially affiliate in accordance with shifting incentive structures

  • Why did White libtards used to obsess over Free Tibet?

  • Why are wypipo pretending to give a shit about the Uyghurs?

  • How will it impact Chinese Americans if we go to war with China?

  • Would China even try to protect its diaspora?

  • Is internment *really* inconceivable in the 21st century?

  • Would a China war eliminate Chinatowns in the same way Germans were forcibly assimilated in WW1 or Japanese Americans got buck broken during WW2?

  • How common is it among Asian guys to resent Asian girls who date White boys?

  • Is there a meaningful difference between the experiences of a Chinese American and Korean American? And if so is this just internal to the Asian psyche, and do most White people even process a difference?

  • Can you tell the difference between a Chinese / Korean / Japanese at a glance?

  • Do White people smell?

    • Read Calipers’ article Which Race Smells the Worse?

    • East Asians have a genetic adaptation that prevents them from getting B.O.

    • Do Whites, Blacks, and Indians have different smelling B.O.?

    • Does Calipers agree with me and

      that rich wypipo smell worse?

  • Is all of Western culture downstream of Aristotelean thought?

  • Obfuscating cultural values and norms is a way elites pull up the ladder

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