On today’s episode of Walt Right Perspectives I speak with
—a longtime friend of this publication who fittingly writes atThe Calipers is a politically homeless late millennial of mixed Chinese and White heritage who was briefly racially activated during the height of Covid hysteria in 2020 but has since deradicalized into rationalist / heterodox / Hananiac circles.
Read more about his trajectory here:
Topics include:
Dennis Kucinich as a proto-Bernie Sanders—why didn’t he have a moment?
The coalitional dynamics of Hillary vs. Boinie
Foreign Policy was vastly more important in the age of the Iraq War
Western naivete toward China in the 1990s
Is China just another Japan?
Are East Asians less Faustian than Europeans?
Are the Japanese more Faustian than other Asians?
Walt explains what he means by “Faustian”
Be sure to read Walt’s Faustian narrative experiment “Talking To Myself”
Confucius vs. Aristotle
Are Asians more risk averse because they adopted agriculture earlier, or because Europe has a fragmented geography which helped to break apart Rome?
China as a “version of Rome where Justinian won”
Why are white nationalists so often weeaboos?
China as one of the few populations where farmers weren’t overrun by nomads
Why haven’t any fully blooded East Asians come on Walt Right Perspectives?!
Elite FOB Chinese guys don’t fit the submissive Asian stereotype at all
The Chinese are actually closer culturally to Americans than Japanese
The tendency of lazy white boys to pass off work to azns in Corporate America
Elite White Men don’t see multiculturalism as oppressive because they personally benefit from it, and will be anti-White and feminist to pull up the ladder on other White guys because they don’t see women or minorities as threats
Can a Chinese guy truly succeed in America?
Should Asian American men arbitrage their status in Southeast Asia?
Do wypipo want Japanese to represent Asians because they are more subdued?
The genetic diversity in the Han population precludes it from being an ethnostate
Why Calipers was racially activated in 2020
The tendency of working class Whites to be crudely racist against Asians despite being obnoxiously protective toward blacks
Why doesn’t racial banter between Whites and Asians feel as natural? Do Asians not have a sufficient tradition of minstrelsy?
Is Bobby Lee cooning?
The recent rise in the sociosexual status of East Asian men
Was Crazy Rich Asians as big a deal as everyone made it?
Is there a meaningful difference between the American Hapa experience versus the experience of people with exclusively Asian heritage?
Elliot Rodger was a rich good looking mixed guy who killed his Asian roommates
Do mixed race people have more of an impetus to think about identity issues?
Whiteness was far more normative for Millennials than Zoomers
Is Calipers jealous of younger Asians who grew up in a less normative ecology?
Do Asian men and women have radically different experiences in America?
Asian girls as “hyper-white women” suited for Corporate America
Actuarial science as a profession temperamentally suited for Asian women
Over time Hispanics in America tend to either become white or black
The “Fancy Asians vs. Jungle Asians” distinction
Should the Vietnamese be considered East Asians or Southeast Asians?
Is it offensive to aggregate East Asians and Southeast Asians into a single group?
Factors causing Southeast Asians to be more conservative than East Asians
Liberal Whites and Conservative Whites are different ethnic groups now
Does Calipers agree with
’s argument that Castizo Futurism won’t apply to Asians?The power of Whiteness consists in its aspirational quality—Whiteness is a gradient instead of a hard binary like Blackness, which allows Whites to use miscegenation as a tool of conquest and to divide & conquer
The incentive to shapeshift—going forward mixed beige Zoomers will racially affiliate in accordance with shifting incentive structures
Why did White libtards used to obsess over Free Tibet?
Why are wypipo pretending to give a shit about the Uyghurs?
How will it impact Chinese Americans if we go to war with China?
Would China even try to protect its diaspora?
Is internment *really* inconceivable in the 21st century?
Would a China war eliminate Chinatowns in the same way Germans were forcibly assimilated in WW1 or Japanese Americans got buck broken during WW2?
How common is it among Asian guys to resent Asian girls who date White boys?
Is there a meaningful difference between the experiences of a Chinese American and Korean American? And if so is this just internal to the Asian psyche, and do most White people even process a difference?
Can you tell the difference between a Chinese / Korean / Japanese at a glance?
Do White people smell?
Read Calipers’ article Which Race Smells the Worse?
East Asians have a genetic adaptation that prevents them from getting B.O.
Do Whites, Blacks, and Indians have different smelling B.O.?
Does Calipers agree with me and
that rich wypipo smell worse?
Is all of Western culture downstream of Aristotelean thought?
Obfuscating cultural values and norms is a way elites pull up the ladder
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