That’s right, fellers, your eyes don’t deceive you. Walt Bismarck is rebranding again.

The reason for this is pretty straightforward: I’m no longer committed to pluralism as an end in itself, and have grown far more interested in advancing my own distinct vision of the True and Beautiful while unapologetically agitating for the interests of affluent, urban, and secular straight white men.

Obviously that doesn’t mean abandoning the many Christian and nonwhite friends I made through the Walt Right. But it absolutely means withdrawing the open hand I’ve proactively extended to such groups and focusing instead on empowering my central constituency to secure an optimal negotiating position in any right wing coalition.

It also means pivoting from an aggressively horizontal growth strategy to something more vertical. My job stacking group has just started seeing its first real successes, and as more of our guys get involved in the lifestyle I’ll need to dedicate a lot more time and energy to coordination, security, and developing our internal resources.

As a result my podcasting schedule will need to slow down considerably, and I am entirely fine with that. Until now I’ve mostly used Walt Right Perspectives as a community-building mechanism, but at this point I have more than enough followers for the right kind of growth to come naturally, so it makes a lot more sense to use the podcast for focused discussion items with big ticket guests.

The pace of my writing will remain basically the same, but you can definitely expect a shift in direction. The time has come to write about some inflammatory topics I’ve hitherto only tiptoed around and take some unpopular stances on the issues that matter most to me, even if this risks alienating parts of my audience.

I’d like to think my attempts at pluralism have bought enough goodwill to keep everyone onboard through this pivot, but we’ll see how true this is in a few weeks.

So why Tortuga?

Obviously it aligns well with the pirate branding I’ve used to promote my job stacking venture, but there’s actually much more to it than that.

For one thing Tortuga is an island, and after spending many months trying to be Everyone’s Friend while constantly having to resolve drama in my community over religion and gay shit I’ve begun to find the aesthetics of insularity deeply appealing. I’m leaning into that impulse with Tortuga, and going forward will be relentlessly aggressive about blocking outsiders who approach this space in bad faith.

Tortuga is also Spanish for “tortoise,” which serves as an equally useful ideal for this next stage of my project. My closest friends and confidantes have encouraged me to slow down and get decent sleep and stop slamming Hitler levels of Adderall for weeks now, and it’s probably a decent idea to take their advice.

It was unchecked manic frenzy that saw the Walt Right explode into a major platform over just a few months, but it will take a far more deliberate and consistent approach to transform this thing into a real institution with cultural clout and intellectual heft, and to that end we ought to turtle up for a bit.

Not forever, mind you. But long enough at least to grow a hard shell.

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a safe space for racist theater kids


DC-area transplant originally from the Midwest. Millennial stereotype, yoga teacher, chronic contrarian. Liberal with an Anarchist moon and Libertarian rising. I write about it.
Inquiries into the philosophy of technology, history, and politics
The real deal
Tortuga Society’s First Mate
exploring the fringe, free associating, figuring out what to take seriously and what to laugh at
A HalflingThief with a G.G. Allin aesthetic
Writer, Philosopher, Insensitivity Reader (for real, will read your stuff!)
Contemporary answers for legacy tribulations.
Interested in public opinion, narrative formation, and how ideas shape the world
Intelligence research and political science.
Xennial lawyer in the Rocky Mountains. I'm interested in the primal motivations of overly-mediated, verbose apes with grand pretensions. Help me fill in my neural encyclopedia and I'll help you with yours.
That Razor Laced with Perfume
Multimedia Producer. Salonnière. Fashionista. Patriot. Author of The New Art Right. Leader of the National Futurist Party.
Working towards the victory of the Futurist Right while opposing all forms of third-worldism.