America should cripple Russia by stealing its population
We can punish Putin while securing millions of new GOP voters
Thanks to political polarization, America has reached an unfortunate impasse in both foreign policy and immigration policy that is starting to cause serious problems.
I believe the Alt Right 2.0 can offer a unique solution to this issue that cuts through the gridlock and helps to secure American prosperity in multiple dimensions.
That solution is mass immigration from Russia.
Currently a large segment of the Republican electorate has no interest in helping Ukraine stand up to Russian aggression. This is largely a reaction to Democrat hysteria and conspiracy theories about “Russia, Russia, Russia” during the Trump years, and has been exacerbated by a successful Russian propaganda campaign to make American conservatives think Putin likes them.
It is also a very stupid impulse. The Ukraine War presents America with a fantastic opportunity to bleed Russia dry and further our geopolitical dominance over Eastern Europe. This would help to maintain the dollar as global reserve currency, which is currently the most powerful advantage we enjoy over the nations of Europe and Asia. No other empire would blow an opportunity like this, but the resentment and delusion of MAGA Republicans has tragically caused them to elevate Owning the Libs over pursuing the national interest.
And on immigration policy we’re similarly paralyzed.
Years of full employment have left us with a shortage of cheap underclass labor, and this is severely hurting the middle class. Normal people with high five figure salaries can’t afford babysitters and maids like they used to because wages for the poor have risen too high. Meanwhile, every node of the consumer supply chain is having a harder time attracting quality workers, which is translating to higher prices and creating a “crisis of competence” because unskilled service workers don’t need to try as hard. Things have gotten much better for Doordash drivers and the mass affluent “laptop class” that can still afford to hire them, but people in the middle are really feeling the strain.
Normally the way you solve this issue is through mass immigration, but this has become politically untenable due to intransigent Republican opposition, even though your average middle class GOP voter would be the main beneficiary. And for this development we can mostly blame Democrats, because they spent much of the last decade framing immigration as an antiwhite cudgel.
In 2013-2016 Dems popularized the idea that Latin American and Asian immigration was creating an “emerging Democratic majority” that would give them a permanent electoral advantage, and that scared the shit out of Republicans. They also constantly bombarded white people with the idea that we’re becoming a racial minority in our own country, and virtually all projections to this effect conveniently ignored Castizo / Hapa / MENA assimilation into the white mainstream, making the transformation seem a lot more dramatic than it actually was.
Thanks to this obnoxious antiwhite triumphalism, white Republicans grew enormously wary of the “Great Replacement,” and started to adopt far more nativist and even implicitly white nationalist views on immigration. As a consequence, it is pretty much impossible to build support among Republicans for mass immigration in 2024, even in the midst of an unskilled labor shortage.
I propose that we square the circle on both of these issues by passing legislation that immediately grants American citizenship to all Russians who want it.
This would accomplish several important objectives.
First and foremost it would hurt Russia severely, because many millions of people (especially young people) would desperately want to make the move to quintuple their income and secure a vastly higher standard of living.
Putin would obviously take measures to stop the outflow, but it would be impossible to block it completely. Just to contain 80-90% of the movement he’d need to expend significant resources policing Russia’s massive border with Eastern Europe and the ‘Stans. This would make it a lot harder for him to press forward in Ukraine, and would significantly increase domestic tensions.
Meanwhile, it would give America a huge influx of cheap labor that would greatly reduce inflationary pressure on the middle class, while forcing the underclass to once again put in effort at their fast food / airport / motel clerk jobs.
These Russian migrants would obviously be mostly white, with a small cohort of central Asians that would assimilate into the white mainstream in just one or two generations. All of these people would very quickly climb into the middle class. They also would overwhelmingly support the GOP due to their strong disapproval of homosexuality and Democrat Russophobia. This would make it a lot easier to get Republicans to support this proposal and would allay fears of the Great Replacement.
To secure Democrat approval you would obviously play up hurting Russia, but this might not be enough. If so you can tie this policy to amnesty for some proportion of Mexican illegals (who will likely become less scary to GOP voters after Trump wins 45% of Hispanics this November).
In practice this would be bipartisan legislation that would get incite ferocious opposition from factions in both parties, but I think Trump could cut a deal with certain Democrats to get them on board, especially if he plays up the amnesty angle.
It would be very smart for Republicans to pursue this next year.
I don't think it's in the national interest to expand America's empire into Eastern Europe. China will be the first country since circa 1870 to have an economy bigger than America's in nominal terms, and it's already bigger in PPP. This implies even without changing the percentage of spending on defense it'll surpass America in military spending at some point naturally. On top of that, in PPP-adjusted terms its military budget's already bigger than it appears on paper because each dollar spent goes further for their conscript military than on an all-volunteer force. If America's military resources are strained through imperial overreach all over the globe, there's no way it'll be able to maintain a favorable balance of power against China in the latter's home region where the PLA will be almost entirely concentrated. Thus, America should transfer the burden of European defense to the EU so that the US can throw all its resources into Asia and the western Pacific. With hindsight, it probably would've been better for Washington to have accepted a concert of great powers during the unipolar moment wherein Russia could dominate the former USSR, Europe could run its own continent, and China could be given a free hand in inner Asia. But since this never happened, we're heading towards a G2 world. The weaker Russia gets, the more it becomes a Chinese vassal even when there's public backlash in Russia because they have no alternative source of capital. This secures vast natural resources for Beijing and gives it a tool to distract and drain US military attention and political capital. The only semi-realistic alternative to the dollar is the yuan, and cutting out a country as significant as Russia from the dollar economy has incentivized other countries to look towards the yuan. It's still unrealistic to expect the dollar to lose its status though it's possible for there to be a trend away from it.
Perhaps my ainoco brain's too Asia-centric, but that's my opinion of the Russo-Ukrainian War and foreign policy based on national interests rather than on universal values.
Tell me in advance when this is about to happen so I can insider trade some Adidas stock.